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Show me your Opaques, Silver or Pearl Ligs!

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:12 pm
by krooner
Ok, so I'm a big chicken when it comes to colored braces and I'm trying to stay inconspicuous! But my clear ligs are staining no matter how good I try to be! So I've heard that these colors are the least noticable. However, I've yet to see a pic here on the site of any of them! I'd like to decide before my next appointment next month. So, I would be very grateful if you show me your ligs! :P Thank you!


Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:41 pm
by smile2006
I have pearl colored powerchains on my ceramic braces. I have wire ties so no color there. The pearl has stayed nice looking for nearly a month. I do drink coffee and they have held up. I've stayed away from mustard and I hate curry which helps! Sorry, I don't have a picture.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:40 pm
by ssfw
Hi krooner,

Sorry I don't have pictures either but I have glow-in-the-dark opaque ligs and powerchain. The color is similar to an off-white (on the lighter side). It blends very well. In fact for the ligs, when they are in, sometimes it is difficult to see them on my clear brackets. Of course, the powerchain is noticeable but it really blends well. The ortho assistant that placed my upper brackets suggested this color. She said the clear stains easily. I tried the grey but it was too noticeable for me. She said the glow-in-the-dark opaque color takes longer to stain. I forgot to look at the powerchain and ligs when they were removed at my last appt. but I didn't see any staining while I wore them. I drink coffee every now and then and am not a fan of curry so I can't comment about that but the ortho asst. did say curry stains ligs. I was happy with them so I asked for the same color this time along with a glow-in-the-dark pink and the hot pink color on the metal brackets on the back lower teeth - they really look nice too. The glow-in the-dark pink is not very noticeable at all. I may ask for this color on the clear brackets next time to see how they look.

Hope this info. was helpful.


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:09 pm
by pippy
There you go - nice silver ones (if you ignore the horrible teeth - I can malign them coz they're mine :)


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:15 am
by ThisIsMary
I had clear ligs for the first part of my treatment and they did stain very easily. I changed to pearl ligs and I'm very pleased with them. They don't really look any different from clear ligs.

Scroll down the page and you'll see a picture of my braces. I'm pretty sure I have on the pearl ligs although I'm not positive because that was a while ago and you really can't tell the difference between pearl and clear

viewtopic.php?t=3266&postdays=0&postord ... art=30[url][/url]

Thanks Thisismary

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:24 am
by krooner
Thanks ThisisMary (and everyone)!

If those are Pearl then I want pearl! I read in your posts that you are a singer. I sing too! I've been happy to see that I can still sing with braces although I slur a little when I try to speak too fast. I can't wait to get these things off!


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:55 pm
by wiredkitty
I have pearl ligs on my ceramics and they are really stained now after 5 weeks. I did eat curry and tomato based foods and red wine though! Not willing to give them up so I think I'll try silver ligs next.

ThisIsMary - how come your wire is clear? I've never seen that before. I'm SO jealous.