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Will they file them down and build them up?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:47 pm
by LP
Hey all,

I've been seeing great progress with my teeth, but as they straighten out, I've noticed how badly I've worn some of them down. Because they were so twsited and my bite so off, I've worn off entire corners of teeth, or worn down weird angles in them. The straighter they get the more I go "WHOA - that looks bad!".

Is this normal? Do lots of people have corners missing etc? I'm guessing I will have to missing parts built back up, and the teeth that are all worn in funny angles will be filed down to make a smooth tooth.

Anyone been through this? I have another month until my next apt so I'm hoping to get some info from all of you before then.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:00 pm
by jcdamon3

I have the same problem! The fact that they are straighter now is making the other flaws show up more. It is sort of like remodeling your kitchen. Once you do that your 20 year old fridge now looks unsightly.

I plan on filing some down ( the canines which were kind of long to begin with) and building some back up with bonding. (the centrals- which are now almost too short in places).

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:02 pm
by jaswi
you mention too long canines? Wow, mine have been always up to far, so never touched really.. and I'm hoping for a really vampiric look, I like long fangs as long as they're straight.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:04 pm
by Lisa65
I've got some weird shapes too, which are becoming more obvious as my bottom teeth straighten. My ortho said he will file them down nearer the end of the treatment once he's got them levelled.

Jaswi, I like my pointy canines too :lol: and I intend to keep those unfiled.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:05 pm
by Attagirl2
Hi LP. I can understand your concerns, although my experience is not as drastic as yours. I have had to have my upper incisors repoxed twice because as the teeth were straightened, I developed a pretty good black triangle. If you look at the top picture in my Avatar (taken one month into treatment), you will notice how my teeth have more of an angle to them at the center. Unfortunately, straightening them caused them to have a big V between them. Luckily, he was able to repox most of it out over the two different times. My right eye tooth was very sharp and when it was in position, it was much longer and pointier than the other (which I had worn down over time). He sanded that eye tooth some and said he would fine tune it as my treatment was ending. I am fortunate not to need any cosmetic work to my teeth.

Good Luck to you.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:46 pm
by jcdamon3
Jaswi, I like my pointy canines too and I intend to keep those unfiled.
I had long pointy canines but now they are long unpointy (flattened) canines from all my grinding. They look like what your car tire would like like if it had a flat . What I am going to do is that since I have enough length I am going to have them filed off to a nice rounded canine. I don't want to loose more length, but I don't want them to look like a flat tire either. I won't lose any length because I will just be filing off the corners of the square if you will. I think it will look pretty good when we are done.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:59 pm
by LP
Thanks everyone. I was hoping to hear that the orthos would do it rather then having to get it done through the dentist. I'm going to mention it in my next apt in the begining of October.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:34 pm
by jcdamon3
Some orthos do it. You just have to ask him. Just make sure that you work with your ortho anyway and tell him what you want done and what your goals are. My ortho knows I want bonding so he is treating me with that in mind. Good Luck!