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Gaps That Aren't Closing...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:34 pm
by serendipity
Anyone waiting on gaps to close that are taking forever? :evil:

I had two extractions (lower) 10 months ago - I've got a power chain but they just don't seem to budge. It's driving me crazy....and led me to wonder...'is the closing of gaps the slowest phase of the "brace journey"' :?

What do you think? :idea:


Re: Gaps That Aren't Closing...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:38 pm
by jennandtonic
Serendipity said:
Anyone waiting on gaps to close that are taking forever? :evil:

I had two extractions (lower) 10 months ago - I've got a power chain but they just don't seem to budge. It's driving me crazy....and led me to wonder...'is the closing of gaps the slowest phase of the "brace journey"' :?

What do you think? :idea:

Boy, sometimes it seems that way! I haven't been waiting 10 months for my gaps to close, but it really does seem very slooow progress on closing gaps. Three of my gaps closed quite nicely, but one has taken FOREVER! I guess we all have to learn that patience really is a virtue, we'll get there...eventually.

I also wonder about after they all completely close. After that, there may only be bite issues to look at, so progress may not be as obvious. Will that seem slower to me? I don't know, I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:49 pm
by lionfish
I've got one gap closing in my lowers....and another opened up about 5 weeks ago. Ha ha!! I got a new powerchain last week across my bottom teeth so hopefully it's bye bye to both soon!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:29 pm
by jmpmntwnty3
I have a gap between my two front teeth that won't seem to budge, haha. In fact, it's gotten wider since I've been turning the key in my RPE every night for about a month and a half. And I also have two gaps on opposite sides of my mouth where my bottom teeth are that won't seem to budge. But I got a powerchain put in today, and those are supposed to make the gaps close faster .. I hope haha.

Anyone with powerchains .. how long did it take for one of those stubborn gaps to close? My next appointment is in 5 weeks, and I hope at least ONE out of the three are closed by then :D (wishful thinking hehe)

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:20 am
by pvarier

I have a gap between my canine and lateral that never closed. After waiting 6 months my ortho took my braces off (the bite and everything else seems good)and said we will put them back on after sometime and usually after a period of rest the gaps close almost immediately. I am not sure whether I want to get braced again although it will only be 1-2 mths.

Good luck to you!