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Chewing gum affect!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:56 pm
by newmetal
Ive been braced a week now and i still have times when im about to eat and think oh i better take this out of my mouth before eating, to find its the brace im planning on spitting outlol. You know that feeling you have when you've been chewing gum for a while and then you go to eat and double back to remove the chewing gum, well thats how i feel with the brace. I hope people get what im saying, if so does anyone else get this feeling?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:28 pm
by Jillianleab
I got the same feeling at first. I never felt totally ready for bed at night since I had these THINGS on my teeth!

You get used to it, don't worry :)

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:39 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
I too just got braced on 9/07/06 so I have had my braces on for 1 week and 2 days.
I can hear what you are saying about having that feeling. I was real worried about that before getting my braces because I hate the feeling of stuff on my teeth and I was always brushing my teeth.
I too do not feel ready sometime at night to go to bed because it feels like I need to clean my teeth. I really do not lie eating with them on because it feels like I have a bunch of gunk in my mouth and I am worried that I will knock a brace off ans swallow it.
I have found that I cannot chew things as well as I used to and that I drool at night now. I am not real sure if the drooling is because of the braces or the much hated bite plate that comes along with them which by the way my ortho said I needed to wear 24/7 and eat with it in as well.
What a joke I can't eat anything with it in and if I were to leave it in would for sure be hating life.
Anyhow the best of luck to you and hope you get used to those braces real quick.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:20 am
by Bridget
Funny that you write this - I have the same feeling every now and just feels like "not right" to eat until I finally notice "well, there is no other way" then leaving that stuff in while eating

I really thought I was being silly :-)

After two months I have really gotten used to my braces but - I must admit - I am just hitting a "point of tiredness" and that after only two months! :oops: Well there are still a few months to go.....

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:31 pm
by MsTiaLia
KK wrote:That's an interesting one newmetal! 8)

The feeling I had in the early stages was of total frustrating of not being able to remove my braces ... just for a little while.

I could've HUGGED you when I read this. That is EXACTLY how I felt when I first got my braces! I remember saying, "I wish I could take them off...just for a little while!" I just wanted to lie them on the nightstand when I went to bed! I actually cried one night because I felt TRAPPED in them! Thankfully, that passes:)

Thanks for the laugh you guys!!!