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Any1 have ther archwire laced-work as good as powerchain?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:43 pm
by babykitten75
HI Everyone

I've had my braces for a month and I noticed when they put my braces on and during my 1st adjustment, they said they are lacing my archwire to move my teeth that are next to extractions.:roll:

I'm just wondering if any1 else has had lacing done and if it is as good as powerchains (I've heard many success stories on archwired about powerchains working great to close gaps). Also, would any1 know why I got my archwires laced instead of getting powerchains?:heart:

The lacing looks like they criss-crossed the wire along 2 teeth that have an extraction gap between them. :pinkbraces:

Thanks for all posts in advance!:computer:

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:24 pm
by Attagirl2
Hi Babykitten, my guess would be thay what they did was lace the power chains. I have power chains where they did repox on my front teeth and mine are laced around my brackets across six teeth. But since I am not and orthodontist, I could be wrong about what they did to you....

Have a good braces journey!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:53 pm
by Dramagyrl
I think I have the same thing. I was asking about them onsite some time ago because I didn't know much about them. All I knew was they were these thinner wires that were managing to tear into my tongue a couple times if I caught them the wrong way.
Fortunately, they started to move things quite quickly. Then it started up again the last couple of days. I've got two extractions on the top as well, and I can for sure tell even with my tongue that my bottom extraction gaps are much smaller than the ones on the top since getting these wires.
I'll have a better idea of my success at my Oct. 5 adjustment.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:10 pm
by Tiffchelle
The top front four of my teeth are laced, with a powerchain across the entire top (and bottom - OUCH). My ortho said he wanted to lace them together to keep them in place as he uses the powerchain to close a (fairly large) gap that opened up.

Not sure if they are better, but the gap is closing and those teeth are staying put, so I guess it is working!

Hope that helps!


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:23 am
by fins
Yes, I've had my upper arch done at one time.