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Mouth Sores?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:45 pm
I burned the tip of my tongue on food the other day.. and for whatever reason (maybe my tongue is swollen?), I have bit the right side of it about 5 times.. so, the tip of my tongue hurts so badly and the right side has this bump thingymajigger now. I rinsed with warm salt water last night which was NOT a good idea.. I woke up sooo thirsty!! I tried eating a lot of ice cream.. that didn't help either :lol: . How the heck do I fix it? On Wednesday, I am having my lower braces put on, so I really want to get rid of my tongue thingies now, because otherwise, they will probably just get worse :roll: .

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:10 pm
Thanks! I only used a pinch in about 8 ounces of water.. and I rinsed my mouth out about 10 minutes later.. not sure why it dryed out my mouth so much!

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:38 pm
by jaswi
I've had a bad problem with sores for about the past month, always 2 or 3. They always start out with a bump where I bite or snag, or something- then turn into these bumps with big volcano looking openings that are more painful than death- Its been so bad to the point I've seriosly considered abandoning my orthodontics, when I cant eat, talk or anything else- and when I wake up its always far far worse cause I'm a mouth breather at night.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:43 pm
by tardissauce
I totally hear ya Jaswi....
I have never in my life had a canker sore until now, and lucky me I currently have 4. I am attributing it to mouth trauma (had 4 teeth extracted on tues.) and my new braces. I went to the store today loaded up on biotene mouth wash and toothpaste as well as some Orajel to take some of the soreness away. I highly recommend the above, if your having a rough tme. PS I am a mouth breather too... :D

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:30 pm
Ack.. still hurting! My tongue is definitely swollen.. and my throat is also swollen/hurting.. and my lips are chapped. But, I'm not sick! Weirddd!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:30 am
by bckydgardnr
Sometimes wheh I have something that hurts really bad, I use Peroxyl mouth wash. Colgate makes it. Usually within two rinses the sores are cleared up. My son got ulcers on his gums when he first got his braces which were really nasty and it cleared them up within 24 hours. It is REALLY strong, but it works.


Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:41 am
by ame_malia
You might try the Orajel protective discs. They do a pretty good job of protecting a sore area from touching anything that might be painful (like your teeth). Only problem is they are kind of bulky feeling in your mouth, and I've never used it on my toungue before, just the inside of my lip. I would suggest a product like Anbesol, which will numb it, but that isn't going to make it heal any faster, and with it numbed you are more likely to chomp down on it. Sorry I couldn't be any more help. Hope you get to feeling better.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:42 pm
by jaswi
by the way, I've found orajel useless. Apply it to the open sores and you get massive pain for a minute or so before it numbs, and the coating it leaves when it dries just doesnt stay on when braces rub against it... it only numbs for like 45 mins anyhow... sucks really