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Ceramics on top...metal bottoms?

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:32 am
by NervousNelly
Hi Everyone,
I have a question. I hope someone out there can give me info on ceramic braces on the bottom teeth. My ortho's office told me that lots of people get ceramics on top and metal on bottom because of the size difference. Does anyone have any experiences they can share about this. I choose to get ceramic tops because I liked that they're almost unnoticable. I was going to go with the same on the bottoms but I'm concerned that if they protrude more than metal that 1. I'll have a huge lower lip and 2. that they will be uncomfortable. Although I will have nothing to compare it to, since I've never had bottom braces before. Any info would be appreciated! :oops:

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:38 am
by onny
You can get used to brackets at all, so u can get used to 10% bigger brackets too :) Id say go for it, if you doc say its ok and fits on you bottom teeth. Id prefer FULL keramik or full metal too, mixed looks so.. half ;)
(I decided for full metal thu, looks better in my opinion and is cheaper anyway)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:07 pm
by lionfish
Hi nervousnelly, I have ceramics on 8 front bottom teeth, and metal on the rest. They felt a bit bulky at first, but I'm used to them now. My lower lip may stick out a smidgin more than it did before (I also had a mild underbite), but I'm the only one who would pick that up.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:31 pm
by diande
Nelly I have both upper and lower ceramics and its working out just beautifully for me. I really like them. and I dont see any problems with protrusion. My uppers are also in ceramics and my lips look fuller but I have an overbite and so that accounts for it. I am expecially looking forward to giving wide smiles that show both rows of ceramics in a few months from now when the progress becomes obvious :D

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:54 pm
by Ravishing
I am getting ceramic on the top and metal on the bottom. Its cheaper for me this way and my bottom teeth are generally not visible when I talk or smile. It made more sense to do it this way than to pay extra for my whole mouth.

I was told that my ceramic brackets will be "bulkier" than the metal ones but not to worry about it.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:32 pm
by pippy
I have ceramics top and bootom - originally my ortho wanted to do metal bottoms and they were a little hesitatn about doing ceramics. When I asked for them though they were fine with it, just hey don't do it often. Their concern was for additional rubbing on the bottom due to size of far many problems at all. I had to have some cement on molars to open my bite so i wouldn't try to bite the bottom ones off and today, after having meetings all day where I was talking my bottom lip is a bit ruffled (interesting as i have an overbite but nothing is bothered on top...hmmm). Am glad I got them though - the decider for me was I watched myself talk naturally in a mirror to see what was visible (most people don't really show their bottom teeth) - my bottom teeth were very I decided to push for the ceramics.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:20 am
by Kakuna
I have ceramics on top metal on bottom, and I like it!!! I think I like them better than metal on both. I don't have a protrusion problem on the ceramics, BUT I have only had my braces almost a month, so to me, my whole mouth protrudes... lol. Takes some getting used to.

BTW, HELLO ALL! This is my very first post! 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:11 am
by gorblamme
From my limited research (early days yet) .. I understand that ceramics are less noticable than metals ..

.. can somebody point me toward images that show the different look of differnt types. I am sentitive about how I'm perceived and would prefer less visible, depending on the 'price' (ie are some less effective?)

When I last went to a rather scary ortho lady in Auckland, (who damagingly totally put me off the whole idea of braces for 5 years) she stated quite catagorically that she would not put ceramics on my lower teeth .. something I was keen on as it's my bottom teeth that show more.

She said they were not as effective .. can anyone tell me if this is true, and to what degree. Clearly, I don't believe what she said : )

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:47 am
by gorblamme
Hi Karen

Thanks for that excellent explanation .. I will do lots of research and hopefully find an answer that suits my teeth's mechanical and psychological needs : )

I sometimes wonder how well informed some of the experts I've been giving my money to have been

Am currently getting my 4th opinion in London believe it or not .. it's a great excuse to visit my family ! .. but I do live in Auckland. I'm hoping these guys here can agree on the course of action. I will then simply ask the guys in NZ to carry out per that plan

You are so right that you need to find someone you can work withwell.

This lady (who will remain nameless) was horrid, snooty and superior. She sent her (very junior) clinical assistant to the first meeting in her place. She also failed to tackle the psychological effect of the braces, which I told her was a major stumbling block for me and was unable to explain really anything at my level. Still, her clinic did look like A Space Odicy, 2001 .. hehe .. someone needs to tell her about putting people at their ease.

She has possibly cost me must anxiety and probably some teeth .. moving on now !

thanks again for your help !

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:17 am
by kiwi_girluk
I wanted ceramic on both the top and bottom, but could only get them on the top due to the way my teeth sit. My ortho stated that if I had them on the bottom the two would hit and ceramic braces are slightly more prone to coming off/breaking than metal and so next week I get the bottom metals on! I have had ceramics on the top for 6 weeks and they have been near perfect, sometimes I forget I am wearing them!

Fingers crossed for the impending metal experience! Will let you know what I think of half 'n' half next week!!

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:12 pm
by Joual
My ortho told me that he's not going to put ceramic on my lowers because it would wear my top teeth down because of my bite. Before him I had a consult with another ortho who said I could get ceramic on the bottom. I don't know anything about lip protrusion or discomfort.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:02 pm
by gorblamme
Yep, it's funny how they have such different ideas .. doesn't make it any easier on us !

Hey, Kiwi_gurluk .. has anything moved in your 6 weeks ?

Does anyone want to try a braces limerick ?

A nasty young lady from Macy's
Whose teeth, they were held in with braces
The doc upped the price
And tried to charge twice
When he twigged that the girl had 2 faces

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:07 pm
by diande
Something I only noticed today:

The ceramics on my lower teeth are much smaller than those on the uppers! I guess it's also because my lower teeth are smaller and narrower. But the point, for those who are afraid they might be too big, is that ceramics may also be quite small! :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:58 pm
by Iccle_Peanut
Some orthodontists i have had contact with ONLY give adults the choice of CERAMICS!!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:42 am
by Indy
My ortho was questioning the strength of ceramic brackets. I have a gap on top that was made and will need closed, but they weren't adamant that I couldn't have ceramic on top.

However, I could NOT get ceramic on bottom due to my bite because of concern that my upper teeth would collide with the slightly larger ceramic brackets. No problem though. I'm happy with my half ceramic, half metal mouth :) People really don't see my bottom teeth anyway, unless I show them off.

I'd recommend hearing your ortho's opinion and asking questions so that you are well informed about why they have a particular preference.
