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New member

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:06 am
by haremdreams
At 36, I finally got to thinking about braces.
Grew up with buck teeth/overbite and never really thought much of it since everyone said that i looked fine. I suppose I even convinced myself that I looked pretty ok, and to divert attention worked on a great personality instead. I made a huge leap in career change this year from broadcast management to be a dancer. Yep am a full time dancer now.
Last month I was called to appear in TV and did it.... the show was great, but I hated the way I looked. My side profile was awful :(

That was enough to make a decision, I went online and found this site and all the remarkable postings. It provided me the much needed courage and here i am...

Removed one upper left and right teeth last Saturday and am wearing rubber spacers. Hate it... almost backed out... :?
Just feel like rippin it out, but gosh since I have gotten so far... I guess there is no turning back :wink:

I am soooo happy to have found this site and truly hope this will help me through for the next 2 years!! Braces will go in next Monday.

Will keep y'all posted!


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:11 am
by Lisa65
Well done on taking the plunge :D there's a lot of support here. Glad this site helped you make the decision.
Look forward to hearing more about your braces story.

Good Luck

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:29 am
by iBorg
I hope your experience will be as positive as mine. My first day with uppers, I had one day of irritation and wondering what I've done but since then they seem almost a part of me. I guess they will be for a while? As it is I haven't had them for a week and I'm looking forward to my first alignment and my bottoms.


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:57 am
by Ravishing

Just wanted to say that I am without teeth and with spacers right now just like you so I know just how you feel (I can't wait to get those evil little blue things out either!!). You are very much not alone on this journey. There are many great people and lots of good information on this site.

Keep us posted on how you're doing :D


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:05 am
by haremdreams
:D oh wow, thanks all.

I truly hope the spacers could be taken out sooner, one week seem the longest time. It's annoying and extremely uncomfortable. Today they hurt bad cheeks sore and blistered. Had to rely on painkillers :(

As much as I am excited, I am feeling scared. All i keep thinking is, if the spacers are this uncomfortable and lasts only for a week... I am gonna be wearing braces for 2 years!!! :o OMG!

* slapping myself* Ok..ok... am trying hard to stay and keep positive...

I know it will all get better, mind over matter right...

Will post soon...

Spacers et al

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:30 pm
by iBorg
I may be the newest braced person on the list with my uppers on 9/14. I had the spacers and found them really annoying. I also had them for a week. I think the reason they are so irritating is that they are consistent. With the upper braces, I find a host of areas in which I feel something. It's not bad enough to be pain but enough to be a reminder that things are changing. The sensation changing helps it to not manifest itself as a pain. I've noticed in the five days I've had them, that my teeth have definitely moved. Not a lot, but enough to let me know that something is happening. The only pain I've had is where my arch wire has rubbed the inside of my mouth. Thanks for wax!

My biggest adjustment is oral hygiene. Brushing is difficult. For my birthday I asked for a Sonicare with a SMALL head. I’ve tried at least five floss aids ranging from threaders to power flossers. I ordered another yesterday. If I can get flossing down, I’ll be a happier camper.

A couple of days I ago I had a strange sensation; the braces are a part of me now, not an intruder. I'm not sure how long it will take when I get my bottoms and other hardware for the same sense of "togetherness". Something else has happened in the last day or so.... I’m so looking forward to my first adjustment.

In closing everyone I've talked to who has been through this, does not regret the decision to have orthodontic treatment. They also relate how happy they will be when its over.

Good luck, together we WILL get through this, smiling each step of the way.


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:31 pm
by cmm1280
Welcome Haremdreams!

You sure have found the place for support. This website is great for just about any question or concern you might have about adult braces.

This place is great!

Best of luck to you

:D :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:43 pm
by diande
Welcome :D
Yeppers to what everyone said: You won't have regrets! I'm also a newbie to braces and I wouldn't look back :)

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:53 pm
by Zondrae
Welcome Haremdreams - from one 36 year old to another, you won't regret it. I've just had my first adjustment & can see changes already. They poke me, sometimes I'm sick of them & generally they can be a pain in the butt BUT I can't wait to have straighter, prettier, healthier teeth.

Good luck & keep us updated!


Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:47 pm
by haremdreams
Rubber spacers still in and won't come off till next Monday. NO pain now, except slight discomfort. Amazing part, the rubbers are setting in and sinking in as supposed to. Hooray... I am well on my way!!
Hugs all and thanks, you'll are just awesome! :D

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:06 pm
by Joual
Welcome haremdreams! I grew up with an overbite, too. I sucked my thumb 'til I was 11 years old, which I think caused the problem.

Don't worry, your teeth will look great soon!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:22 pm
by RainyDay2
Congratulations on your career change and your new smile journey! Welcome. This is a great site with a great bunch of people!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:56 pm
by cece
Hi haremdreams, I'm 36 too and just got braced in August. It was rough the first 10 days or so but after that they start to feel more "normal". Just had my first adjustment and am a little sore but not as bad as the first few gets easier :P

Hang in there and just think of how you'll love your teeth afterwards!!!!