root canal due to braces?

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root canal due to braces?

#1 Post by stRaighteR »

could the pressure from braces cause someone to have to get a root canal?

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#2 Post by rsprouse »

Excessive force to a tooth can cause adverse side effects that would make it necessary to have a Root Canal. But orthodontics use light forces that are well below the threshold needed to cause trauma.


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#3 Post by stRaighteR »

thanx =)

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Re: root canal due to braces?

#4 Post by scraggy »

Mine have I got 4 root canal and have been in braces now over 3 years haven't had any problems.

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Re: root canal due to braces?

#5 Post by Missd574 »

I know this is an old post but I just got my 6 month smile braces off , ended up being 14 months not 6, but I think I may need a root canal on my front upper tooth now. The week before they were removed my dentist did an adjustment on that tooth to lengthen it by pulling it down from my gum line, a few hours after my appointment the tooth started feeling sensitivity to hot and cold I figured it was just the tooth moving. Got my braces off the following week and within a week or two noticed the tooth looking kinda light grey snd still having the hot cold sensitivity. Went back to dentist they acknowledge that my tooth looks kinda grey but said he couldn't remember if it was grey before absolutely was not they always told me I was doing a great job keeping the braces and teeth clean, took X-ray and said to keep the appointment I previously had for a cleaning in February and I may need a root canal!!! I feel like they killed my tooth and don't care!

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Re: root canal due to braces?

#6 Post by Missd574 »

Update.... I do need a root canal, they did kill my tooth and they don't care!!! More money for them.

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Re: root canal due to braces?

#7 Post by djspeece »

6 month smiles should be illegal. Sorry to hear of this.

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Re: root canal due to braces?

#8 Post by Grix »

I had root canal on my upper one five tooth, bout 6 months ago was then told the tooth had to be removed to make room. In short $1,500 spent on root canal only to have it removed *sigh*

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Re: root canal due to braces?

#9 Post by Leeann1111 »

Missd574 wrote:Update.... I do need a root canal, they did kill my tooth and they don't care!!! More money for them.
I may need a root canal in my front tooth from the braces :( did you see an endodontist for this? Another ortho, my old dentist and my new told me I need to see one if the pain doesn't stop. It's been three months :oops: how are you holding up after it? How does it look and feel?

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