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I'm cursed

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:54 pm
by Iccle_Peanut
Hey everyone,

I've got four days left till brace day and was planning on having a last week of freedom. However i've had terrible wisdom tooth pain in my lowers, flu including a throat infection and to make matters worse i've got identical HUGE mouth ulcers on each cheek and i'm finding it hard to eat :cry:

I don't know how i'm going to have ther lip spreaders in my mouth with the ulcers being pulled.....ouch!!!
I think maybe my waterpik technique has cut my mouth and it hurts bad :cry:

Sorry had to have a moan......hope everyone else is ok!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:59 pm
by Chris
I think I would postpone having braces put on until this stuff clears up.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:06 pm
by Iccle_Peanut
:cry: i know :cry:

I get mouth ulcers alot, mainly due to the fact that my teeth are in the wrong place so i regulary bite my cheeks.

I really hope i'll be ok for tues!!! If i didn't take this app i'd be looking at next year!!!! I cannot wait that long!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:13 pm
by Joanna20
Hi, I was very nervous myself too before being braced... I think it's part of it! Try and relax, I know it's hard...! Go clubbing, go shopping etc! It really helps!


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:22 pm
by Laieniel
Hey Iccle_Peanut sorry to hear you feel so bad.
My husband and I and all 3 of my boys are actually fighting the flu at the moment.

I also wanted to let you know and yes it sounds gross but when you are upset nervous anxious or even angry your stomach produces extra acid.
Which actually will work its way up into your mouth causing skin breakdown which makes it easier to get ulcers and sore spots.

So if you're really upset and or anxious try taking a Zantac or a Pepcid once a day this will help keep acid levels down and prevent further ulcers and help heal the others up without more irritation.

Hope this helps and hope you feel better.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:36 am
by Iccle_Peanut
Hi Guys, thanks for the advice. :)

Meryaten - I've actually been having concerns recently about which vitimins i should take etc. I'm a vegetarian and to be honest i took vit b and c for a while but i'm so forgettfull. I'm not sure what else to take. Wouldn't know who to ask?

Laieniel - Firstly hope your boys and husband get well soon and Yes your right! I seem to get mouth ulcers more when i'm stressed. I'm at university and had them nearly every week during term time. I've just had the summer off and prob had the odd one here and then, mainly due to being less stressed. I'm willing the put up with the brace sores though, hopefully when my teeth are straight i'll stop biting my cheek :)

Joanna20 - Once i shift this flu i'm going clubbing loads.....want to show my brace off to the world.....(wonder if i'll get asked for identification to get into a club, heard a brace makes you look younger)

Thanks everyone, i feel better already after reading your replies.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:06 am
by Iccle_Peanut
Thanks Kiwi. I doubt i'll get into my docs before tues. It useually takes about a week for an app unless it's an emergency. I'll chat to my ortho when i go to get braced and see what he says. My mouth ulcers are starting to heal. Probs due to rinsteads and salt water rinses. Well they don't hurt as much as last night anyway.

Luckily the wisdom tooth pain i had was on the bottom teeth (which are not getting braced yet) so i should be ok

Fingers crossed....... :)