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Can anyone answer?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:00 am
by Iccle_Peanut
Hi, i was going to put this in another post of mine but if wasn't really connected anyway: when I went for my pre brace cleaning with my dentist the other day I asked her what the white blobby spot type things are on a couple of my front teeth.....she didn't know! She said my teeth are well looked after and are in great condition to be braced so she kind of left it there. But....i'm left with no answer.

They don't stay on any particular tooth; they actually go from one to another. No one says they are noticable but I notice them. I've had a look on the net and all I can see if something called flurosis and decalficied enamal (which apparently is more known after braces are removed if they are not kept clean). I got told when I was younger that I have weak enamel on my teeth so whether this is the cause i'm not sure.

Anyway if anyone could offer me advice i'd be gratefull....also could any part of my routine be the cause?

Floss (I can't get the waterpik to my back teeth so will keep flossing too)
Waterpik (which is only recently so I get used to it before brace goes on)
Brush (manually) with Opalescence whitening toothpaste
Brush (with Sonicare) as I don't feel manually my teeth are fully clean and I am still getting used to my Sonicare (I dislike it so much)
I used a tongue scraper as I got told not to rinse my mouth out with water after I brush (so I dunno what the hell I do instead, hence the scraper)
And finally I use Dentyl mouthwash (which I think I have to change as it's bright pink and might stain my ceramic uppers, can anyone suggest a non stainable alternative?)

Sorry for long post....i'm anxious about being braced and don't feel 100% sure about what i'm doing right and wrong!

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply :)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:11 am
by Laieniel
Hey Iccle, couple of ?'s for you 1) Are the spots on different teeth 2) Are the spots more noticeable in the morning then they fade away?

If so they are called Calcium deposits from what I was taught It's actually a good thing, it's jusy your body sending the calcium you need to the right place :)

I may be wrong though lol but I used to get them alot right at the tips of my teeth

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:20 am
by Iccle_Peanut
Laieniel - Hi, well they are on different teeth and they are there then the next day or week or so they can go and can be somewhere else. Sometimes i don't have any!!! It's really weird. I guess my dentist not being worried must have meant they couldn't be causing me any harm. Hope so.

I hope it has got something to do with calcium, which i thought too. At least it's not just me who gets them.

Thankyou for the reply :)