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What exactly is a bite?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:44 pm
by Sherri
I was at the ortho the other day and they were all excited because now I have a bite. I asked is that good meaning now do I have an overbite. They looked at me like I was kind of dumb and said well if you want to chew food its good. Nothing looks any different to me since the last time I went so could any one explain to me what significant change might have occurred that I don't even notice. Thanks and sorry for my ignorance

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:45 pm
by bbsadmin

I suggest that you read this page, which explains what a bite is, plus more:

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:09 am
by Sherri
Thanks foir the response that was a great help