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question about CLEAR RETAINERS

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:58 pm
by totheend
I posted this in another forum, but will post it here in case nobody reads the other one....

my question is: if my ortho says "clear retainer" does she mean those invisalign type trays?? like the one worn here:


I'm getitng mine next week and I forgot to ask what they meant by 'clear retainers'.

Also, do they look liek the one in the picture?? 'cause that's not really invisible, it's pretty darn notcieable if you ask me. hopefully they fit more snug than that!!

anyways, please let me know what they mean by 'clear retainers'! I'm kindof nervous and dont' want to be surprised by what it is next week!!


Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:30 pm
by iBorg
Based on what my ortho showed me, that looks like a clear retainer. She then followed it up with "Of course with your grinding, you'll need a Hawley retainer."

I think the clear would be less noticeable than a wire running across your teeth.

Congrats and I wish I was looking to the end of the process instead of the beginning.


Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:45 pm
by jcdamon3
I am supposed to be getting one two and it better be alot more invisible than that or I won't wear it.

Why would you have a hawley with grinding, because you would grind through it?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:53 pm
by totheend
so I'm guessing that is what a clear retainer is, right? I don't wanna be surprised by some crazy contraption....I think I worry too much :shock:

I am getting both the traditional type (with wire) and the clear ones. I would think the clear ones would be good for grinders cuz doesn't that block you from ruining ur teeth in ur sleep?

I don't know if I grind. neither my ortho nor dentist has really told me, they've asked me though....but I told them I didn't know and they kindof brushed it off :?

Clear retainers

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:59 pm
by iBorg
Clear retainers ARE great for grinders as long as they last. For me that's less than a month before they have pretty big holes where the molars are. Plus there will be a few small holes for the caninies. I anticipate two sets of retainers. One a conventional and the other with a bit of a bite plate added.

Grinding is one of the reasons I got braces.


Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:02 pm
by totheend
perhaps you could ask for clear ones for just daytime...and then wear the other one at night.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:37 pm
by Echo
I have the clear Essix retainers and they look like the one in the picture. Although, mine does look like it fits a little better than the one in the picture. I don't really care what it looks like though, because I only have to wear them at night. I have only had them a few weeks, and they are already looking a little cloudy though. I soak them everyday in denture cleaner. I am thinking of asking for Hawley's at my next appointment though, because I hate the way my bite feels when I take them out in the morning.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:08 pm
by Samantha08
You should probably just call your ortho and ask him/her. They'd be the best to help you :0)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:16 pm
by jcdamon3
I think I clench more than grind and I tend to clench my front teeth. Yes, believe it or not. I keep catching myself doing it. I also grind the front. That is why my teeth in front are worn down. I will need a protector so that when I get bonding I can't damage the bonding. But yeah they better fit better than that picture.

That picture almost looks like whitening trays to me.