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Found my ortho, got my spacers, b-day is Oct. 4th!!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:47 am
by NatalieMac
Consulted with my third orthodontist today. He is GREAT!!!!

I am getting ceramics, top and bottom. Treatment time is 18-24 months. No expanders. No head gear. Two extractions after the braces go on.

I let him know that I was really nervous and let him know that I was a scaredy-cat who didn't go to the dentist for 12 years out of fear and that knowing EVERYTHING that was going to happen would make me feel better. He spread the word. Every staff member that I dealt with today was patient and answered all kinds of questions and spent lots of time explaining everything to me. Everyone was super nice and introduced themsevles to me. The man who did the impressions spent a good five minutes explaining how it worked and showing me the trays, etc. It was so sweet.

I feel sooooo much better after talking to everyone there this morning.

So, my mouth is feeling a little funny. The spacers have been in about two hours now. The man who did those told me I'd probably be sore starting later today or tomorrow and not to eat anything crunchy. Good thing I finished the end of the Rosencrunch and Guildenpop last night. ;-)

Ok. Here we go.

B day set!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:01 pm
by iBorg
Congrats and good luck! Start eating all those foods on your orthos do not eat list. Some you'll miss and some you'll not care about. Plan ahead. I found flossing to be a big issue so I bought an endless supply of floss aids. You might need to do the same.

Your attitude sounds great. I believe that is the key to making this process tolerable if not enjoyable.

Enjoy the're getting ready to change your life in a way that should be significantly better.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:08 pm
by SDFD TSchott
NatalieMac Congrats on going down the road of ortho treatment, 12 years sounds like a long time but hey as long as you hop over your fears and go back to seeing a dentist every 6 months then your set to go.

I've been in braces for 23 days and already experienced a split lip from dry lips and braces so as Kiwi says to everyone.

*Lots of Lip Balm*
*Drink lots of water*
*Go to the bathroom before getting braced to make the phase easier*
*Salt water Rinses to toughn up your mouth*

Think theres more but I'm sure Kiwi will post again here :-#)

SDFD TSchott
Code 4

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:19 pm
by Lisa65
Great news that you have found an ortho with a team who's sympathetic to your anxiety Natalie.

Spacers are generally the most uncomfortable part of treatment. They may well feel sore for a few days but it does get better honestly.

Look forward to hearing more about your progress!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:47 pm
by Joual
Congratulations NatalieMac! That's great that the staff is so nice.

I ate crunchy food when I was in spacers. :? I only had them for a week. I tried eating trail mix (ouch!) and Cheez-Its (ouch!).

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:39 pm
by NatalieMac
Well, if the spacers are the worst part, then I'm not too worried. I'm sore and tender, but I can live with it. I found a couple things today that were too uncomfortable to eat, but I certainly didn't go hungry today.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:18 am
by missing_tooth
Welcome aboard. I want to warn you time will fly though, I feels like it was just weeks ago I was braces.

- Missing Tooth -