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To: everyone that have gaps to close !~~~@~~~!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:51 pm
by battleangel232232
ok I just got back from my orth and I’m a bit confuse now. I have a bi-maxary prostrusion (where teeth are sticking out)problem but other then that , my teeth are pretty straight . Recently I got 4 bicuspids 1st premolar took out (was a breeze), so my orth can now move all 6*2row=12 teeth back. He told me this moving back process will take about 2 years!? He said because the central incisors are very deep in our root and normally it will take about a year just to move those 4 teeth (central incisors are the teeth at the very front of your month, refer to the diagram for more details). So first he’s going to move the Cuspid teeth(refer to the diagram )back THEN he will move the rest together back.

So my questions are:
I heard people in the forum only took a year or less to close the gaps, also I don’t have much crowding or other problems for my orth to fix beside moving my teeth back, How come its going to takes me so long to get the gaps closed , 2years??

Second, I heard that orth can move the whole thing back (all 6 teeth) at once, why he is he going to move the cuspid back first then start moving the rest later??

hope some one here can help me out, I found this picture Hope this will help to understand my post better :wink:
1. 3rd Molar (wisdom tooth)
2. 2nd Molar (12-yr molar)
3. 1st Molar (6-yr molar)
4. 2nd Bicuspid (2nd premolar)
5. 1st Bicuspid (1st premolar)
6. Cuspid (canine/eye tooth)
7. Lateral incisor
8. Central incisor
9. Central incisor
10. Lateral incisor
11. Cuspid (canine/eye tooth)
12. 1st Bicuspid (1st premolar)
13. 2nd Bicuspid (2nd premolar)
14. 1st Molar (6-yr molar)
15. 2nd Molar (12-yr molar)
16. 3rd Molar (wisdom tooth)
17. 3rd Molar (wisdom tooth)
18. 2nd Molar (12-yr molar)
19. 1st Molar (6-yr molar)
20. 2nd Bicuspid (2nd premolar)
21. 1st Bicuspid (1st premolar)
22. Cuspid (canine/eye tooth)
23. Lateral incisor
24. Central incisor
25. Central incisor
26. Lateral incisor
27. Cuspid (canine/eye tooth)
28. 1st Bicuspid (1st premolar)
29. 2nd Bicuspid (2nd premolar)
30. 1st Molar (6-yr molar)
31. 2nd Molar (12-yr molar)
32. 3rd Molar (wisdom tooth) [/u]

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:34 pm
by OneBluCrayon
Im not really sure about the answer to your question, but... If it makes you feel any better. I had a tiny little gap created through wearing braces, so far i have spent the last... oh, 8 months or so, closing this gap. Basically all they did was shift the gap from one tooth to the next every appt until it is finally closed. I think its pretty rediculous myself. Especially because i was expected to be out of braces about 4 months ago... :twisted: Anyways. I hope things get moving quickly for you. And remember, if you have to wear elasitics, ALWAYS WEAR THEM! or youll never get outta braces :)

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:49 pm
by Joual
An ortho told me that when someone has extractions, treatment takes about 2 years. He showed me a few molds of past patients' teeth. He showed me one patient's mold that didn't take that long because that person didn't have any extractions.

Every ortho I've seen has estimated about 2 years for me, and they've all suggested at least 2 extractions.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:27 pm
by Joanna20
Hi Battle Angel. I have a theory, but I'm not sure it's right...
I think he is moving your cusps before maybe because he doesn't want your molars to move forward, know what I mean? He probably want to occupy the whole gap with the front teeth moving backwards - so correcting your flaring/protusion!
I have the exact same problem you do, they are pretty much straight now and ready to move backwards. I'm having my lowers removed first and she hasn't told me how she will move them backwards yet but I think she will start my moving my canines, and then the rest of the teeth. I don't think it will take 2 years, I think he can move the cups back in 2/3 months and the rest in 5 or something. Within a year your teeth will be nearly perfect, for sure!!! I think he doesn't want you to get anxious or lie to you!!!

Good luck and let us know what is happening. U should post some pics if you've got time!


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:36 pm
by RainyDay2
I just went for my first adjustment this week and I was told the same thing. I had two first bicuspid extractions and the assistant told me that the ortho will move my canines first and then move all 4 at the same time. She told me that's the way he likes to close gaps. So I guess the gap will shift before it's all closed up. They're very vague when i ask for a timeline. It's really starting to tick me off to tell you the truth. "For a while" is always their response. The more I sit here and think about it the more ticked off I get. :evil: So anyways :D Im glad to hear my case was unique. I sure hope it doesn't take 2 years!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:43 pm
by battleangel232232
double posts

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:46 pm
by battleangel232232
i Battle Angel. I have a theory, but I'm not sure it's right...
I think he is moving your cusps before maybe because he doesn't want your molars to move forward, know what I mean? He probably want to occupy the whole gap with the front teeth moving backwards - so correcting your flaring/protusion!
I have the exact same problem you do, they are pretty much straight now and ready to move backwards. I'm having my lowers removed first and she hasn't told me how she will move them backwards yet but I think she will start my moving my canines, and then the rest of the teeth. I don't think it will take 2 years, I think he can move the cups back in 2/3 months and the rest in 5 or something. Within a year your teeth will be nearly perfect, for sure!!!
Good luck and let us know what is happening. U should post some pics if you've got time!
I have the exact same theory=) and it make senses too. But I also seen cases where the orth move all teeh back all together . check this link out, ... assII.html. as you can see, the orth didn't use elastic just springs/loops and he was able to move everything back all at once. Just from looking at the movement you can seethe gaps closed within 2/4-3/4 of his 2 years treatment, but this patient is only 14 years ... and I'm 27 so that might create some differences
I think he doesn't want you to get anxious or lie to you!!!
I really hope you are right, 2 years is just waaay to long just to close the gaps

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:14 am
by Joanna20
Hey, yes I don't think it will take that long at all!!! My cusps were in front of my upper teeth before, and my ortho managed to get them backwards in 3 months, so with the extractions it should be pretty quick for me and you!!! I hope u have fast movement teeth - it's the only thing I have been lucky with during braces so far!!!
