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Posts: 76
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:07 pm


#1 Post by tamsteve »

hello everyone. I need some advice about something with my teeth. I have a metal bracket on my backe molar, which is a crown. I have a bump above it, it kind of looks like a blister of some sort. It's swollen and hurts sometimes, but it hurts real bad when i brush that tooth. Could this be happening cause my teeth are shifting? Has anyone else had this happen? I go to my ortho Oct. 10th so, i didn't know wether i should bother him now or just hold off. Or should i call my regular dentist? If it is cause my teeth are shifting, does it mean my crown is gonna fall out? I sure hope hubby' s like if your crown falls out the ortho should be responsible for it....i guess he's thinking we spent this much money on your teeth that i don't want to pay for a new crown!! If anyone has any suggestions or has had this sort of thing happen to them please let me know.....thanks.....

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