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And then the blonde shows up

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:20 am
by Laieniel
Well first off no offense to blondes anywhere as I am 100% blonde myself.

Last night I ate some ribs about 10:30 immediately I got that itchy gum feeling where you know there's food stuck where it shouldn't be.

So I go to the bathroom and grab my floss and pull it out. Hmmm I had only this much _______ floss left LoL. So then the blonde moment occured I thought well I'll just use thread....Great thought now huh...
Well I get the thread through the wire and started trying to work it between the teeth and then it happened..the thread SNAPPED leaving this awful chunk wedged in between these 2 teeth.

So I get the waterpik...rib comes out but not the thread ...then I go at it with a toothpick...still nothing... Then a pair of tweezers . nope still stuck .. I dug at this string for an hour before I finally got it.

Needless to say I have one heck of a sore gum today and can't believe flossing got me into that big of a jam LoL

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:56 am
by Dramagyrl
Yeah, I've had the sheding floss experience, a couple of times. Happens mostly on back brackets when I'm trying to get in there.

It's happened with like three flosses of mine (and now I know thread is no better lol :) ) so I wonder what can be used that doesn't tear and shred to pieces. One of the worst feelings is having something like that stuck in your teeth!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:03 pm
by Laieniel
well my husband did suggest 10 lb fishing line :lol:

Theres a mental picture....Tacklebox in the bathroom right beside the waterpik ..hmmm :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:21 pm
by Attagirl2
Good one, Laieniel! Your story should be added to the "Metal Mouth" Hall of Misadventures - if Lynn is keeping track of all our escapades.

As for a better floss that doesn't shread, Dramagryl, I had to switch from Oral B Satin Floss to Oral B Satin Tape. (This when the orthodontist changed my bottom braces from Damon 3's to Smart Clips - less suceptable to the gobs of tartar I make in my mouth). Anyway, the tape will still shred, but is 90% better than the floss.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:28 pm
by niknikc
Laieniel wrote:well my husband did suggest 10 lb fishing line :lol:

Theres a mental picture....Tacklebox in the bathroom right beside the waterpik ..hmmm :wink:

LOL if that's not HILLBILLY ORTHODONTICS I don't know what is! LOL Sounds like something I'd come up with! I'm proud Laieniel! Probably wouldn't recommend it though, might tingle a little more than the thread did! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:08 pm
by NatalieMac
I don't even have my braces yet - day after tomorrow! - and I've had trouble getting floss stuck and shredded in my very tight teeth. One time I had a piece stuck in there for DAYS! It drove me crazy.

Of course, now I recognize that feeling as the feeling of having a spacer! :-)

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:20 am
by mindwaves
hahaha...that is some story! Thanks for sharing!!

edit: I LOVE the title