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Power Threading??

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:38 am
by ~CanadianChick~
I went in to have my 8 month adjustment and they added some "threading". It looks like powerchains but its thread, kind of like dental floss but way more durable. They have it on 3 different spots where I had small gaps to be closed... Is this normal? Ive never heard of using threading to close gaps?? Also I usually go back every 2 months but I have an app in 6 weeks... These buggers are SORE! You can always tell theres movement when there is pain like that!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:42 pm
by jcdamon3
What type of brackets? Are the threads looped or do they tie on? Are they elastic or really like floss?

I had some power thread like elastics on as well but they were llike rubber bands and looped back around. They went from my canines to my first molars on top. I didn't have to take them out when I ate.

Now those are gone and I have regular elastics! Which are way worse in my opinion.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:37 pm
by sportsgrl97
i no what u r talking about... its like dental floss but it holds up better.... they tied my two front teeth together really tight to close up a big gap... and let me just say, it definantly worked :) ... when i went back for the next adjustment they made a comment on how tight it was which i thought was funny because the lady that made the comment was the one who tied it to my teeth two months earlier.. i guess she just wasnt aware of that haha :)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:30 am
by ~CanadianChick~
sportsgrl97 wrote: i no what u r talking about... its like dental floss but it holds up better.... they tied my two front teeth together really tight to close up a big gap... and let me just say, it definantly worked :) ... when i went back for the next adjustment they made a comment on how tight it was which i thought was funny because the lady that made the comment was the one who tied it to my teeth two months earlier.. i guess she just wasnt aware of that haha :)
Yeah its exactly how you describe it! I got the threading done this Tuesday and no word of a lie the gaps are already closed..Its still tender when I chomp down but I can't believe the progress the thread makes!!

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:46 pm
by bckydgardnr
My ortho uses zinc string to "tie" up my teeth after they put the powerchain on. I have gotten to the point that it doesn't hurt anymore. I have a huge gap that needs to close that won't. I got a bite plate 2 weeks ago to keep me from reopening the gap when I close. When I go back next week (my appointments are now every three weeks) I am hoping that he does something drastic to close this 20 month old gap!