broken spacer

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broken spacer

#1 Post by tamsteve »

I just ate some french fries and noticed that my spacer broke. Should i be worried about it? I go tuesday to get braced on the bottom so, it seems like it wouldn't be that big of a deal...considering i had it in my toothe for 2 wks now.....should i call the ortho or just wait till tuesday???? i don't want to delay my braces any longer...LOL

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#2 Post by tiggrr2001 »

One of mine broke today and I just got it put on today. I guess my last molar and the second to last molar are really close together so the assistant couldn't push it all the way in and when I was chewing mine snapped on top as well. They want me to come in Monday to replace it just to make sure there's enough room for my molar bands on Wednesday. Can you get in with them tomorrow or Fri that way the space that's there now doesn't close up?

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#3 Post by xtrememkovr »

I actually pulled out a spacer that was digging into my gums last night. I get braced on Friday. I called and asked the DR - which is what you should do too. It would be awful to delay your bracing when you could have prevented it, ya know? Call up the office - let them know what happened and let THEM make the decision as to if you should come in or not. :)


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