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Ceramic bracket removal: your experiences please

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:04 pm
by weird_wired
Yes, it has come to that amazingly exciting time when - hopefully, assuming nothing last minute occurs with my teeth - I will have my braces removed on Tuesday.

I have ceramic uppers and lowers, and am quite nervous as I hear they are hard to get off.

My orthodontist is going to put my permanent retainers on (behind my teeth) before removing the brackets).

Does anyone have any stories/experience/examples of what this is going to be like? And how I should prepare, and what I should expect?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:55 am
by Lyn
Hey - :-1

Congratulations on gettin' NAKED!! :-)o
I'll be getting debanded Nov. 8th!!! :jump:

On Monday (at my adjustment) I had 2 brackets fall off. [I don't know if you saw my post about being scolded.] Anyway, I have power chains so I didn't know they had come loose. When he took off my wire and powerchain to replace it, that is when my brackets fell into my mouth. He was really nasty and scolded me like a child for them coming loose. I didn't know it had happened or when.

Nevertheless, I had to have them totally re-done [2 new brackets]. It was a quick and easy process actually........ With the bracket off already, he then sanded the other part that is cemented to your tooth, he rinsed it and dried it. It wasn't painful at all. Just the smell of the sanding and all the spray for washing it away was kinda weird.

I don't think it is going to be as bad as everyone makes it out to be. :thumbsup:

Good Luck! I bet your smile will be gorgeous ~~~~~ :tingrin:

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:21 am
by Samantha08
Oh gosh I dont know but please post back when you get them off because I have ceramics on the uppers and Im getting them off on the 19th!

Ceramic bracket removal

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:51 am
by Harpua
I only have ceramics on my upper front teeth, but I had to have a bracket moved about 3 months in - It took about 1 second flat (including picking up the tool) to get the bracket off. He just grabbed a nipper type thing and popped it right off. No pain, no fuss, I don't see how it could be any easier

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:35 am
by chrisd
frm what i understand there is special tool that kind of folds the bracket together along its left to right midline, breaking the bonding. they usually come right off, although i guess they can occasionlly crack and then the remainging portion must be ground off. good luck

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:49 am
by CLAmom
Congratulations on your upcoming debanding. I had one ceramic bracket removed on Monday for repositioning so I can relay a little information. They take this pliers like tool, grasp the bracket, & squeeze & it just pops off quickly. No pain or fuss just a POP. After, they get a tiny sanding tool out and buff off the glue. This part was a bit uncomfortable and noisy but was also really quick. Just buff, buff, buff and it was done. There was just a little discomfort but no pain. I don't like getting my teeth worked on so for me to say this--you can believe it. Of course, it will be tougher to have a full set removed but just relax & let them have at it. Probably won't take more than 10 minutes to get your teeth naked. Good luck!!! :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:38 pm
by Kell
I had my top brace taken off in August. I had ceramics on my front 6 teeth. Those brackets popped right off without any problems. I did have 2 metal brackets on my molars that did not want to come off. The assistant had to really work to get them off and poked me with the pliers she was using.