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Hi everyone!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:06 am
by newbie82
Hi there.

Well I've been away for 7 weeks touring Europe but unfortunately I had to come home! Anyway, just my luck, the third (and last) link of my mini powerchain broke on my first day overseas nothing I could do about it but that meant 2 months (since I last visited ortho) with a broken lig..not good. I am seeing my ortho next week, as i said one day from being 9 weeks (dam my need to travel!) since I last saw him. So yay I will get lig replaced. However the main reason I write is that when I did see him last he told me how he wanted to start seeing my bottom teeth move, i was like ditto buddy! I''ve now had braces for almost 10 months and my top teeth are great so straight, but my bottom teeth, which were the main reason for getting braces as they were crowded and messy, moved a lot at first but have just stoped, they are still crooked and i've had braces almost a year. It scares as I may need to wear them much longer then what was estimated.

If anyone has been in this situation or even if you just have info that will help that'll be great. And I guess i'll talk to ortho next week

Thanks heaps

Hope everyone's treatment is going great!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:43 am
by Chris
Yes, the bottoms took longer for me too.
With crowding and no extractions, he may do some slenderizing between your teeth and then they move quickly.