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Makeover Shows - here's one tragedy

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:52 pm
by bbsadmin
You should read the entire article, it's quite shocking.

The thing she was most ashamed of was her teeth. They dropped her as a partipant on the show because her jaw surgery would be too complicated and time consuming for their production. Now she is mourning the loss of her sister -- who committed suicide because she was goaded into saying horrible things about her "ugly" sister.

A very sad story, indeed. Just reinforces my belief that the reality tv shows are inherently evil. ... tml?page=1

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:09 pm
by schoolglue
:( What a horrible ordeal for her and her family.

I can't imagine what its like to be promised a life change like that and then have someone tell you 'sorry, its too much time for our scedule'. Its a shame when things go wrong like that.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:06 pm
by lionfish
Humiliating and disgusting, but will it provide a reality check to the people who make these horrible TV shows? Probably not.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:21 pm
by simplywired
Couldn't agree with you more - tv "reality" shows are ridiculous and I refuse to watch them. Hopefully, this awful trend has or will soon run its course.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:10 am
by bbsadmin
One day in the future, our children will be watching VH1 and "I Love the "00's" will come on. They will talk about low-cut jeans, Bratz dolls, the Sims, MySpace, camera phones, Green Day, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire....and hey....remember "reality TV?"

I also refuse to watch any of that rubbish. And I discourage my kids from watching it. It's the biggest bunch of junk to ever hit the tube, IMO. Most of it is so contrived, it's ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is that people actually volunteer to appear and risk eternal humiliation (because nowadays, no media clip or show ever goes away). As if Jerry Springer isn't bad enough....

Anyone seen the film Network? Sometimes I think it was a prophecy.

To quote the film: I'm mad as hell....and I'm not gonna take it anymore!

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:12 pm
by xtrememkovr
I have had similar feelings about reality shows. I also wonder what kinds of messages it sends to our kids. Something about "instant" gratification - instead of hard work. IE: diets where people lose 8 lbs in a week and think they have failed VS weight watchers or other diets that encourage people to lose a healthy 2-3 lbs a week in a healthy do-able way.

We just seem to be so impatient lately - and so caught up in instant happiness at whatever cost we can get. I remember when seeing surgery on tv was extreme - now it just seems normal and every day.

Also - people want EXTREME cases. They want people who need to lose weight - but they want Morbidly OBESE people. They want people who need surgery - but they often want the more EXTREME cases of "disfigurement" to operate on. So what an absolute downer to be told that your EXTREME case is too extreme. That has to feel lousy as he**.


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:18 pm
by bbsadmin
It all boils down to the ratings.

If nobody watched these stupid shows the statistics would be bad, companies wouldn't advertise, and the shows would be cancelled.

I'm hoping that they become passe' soon, just like big hair and leggings did in the 80s.

There are some reality-type shows that are fun to watch and don't hurt anybody. Pimp My Ride and Trick My Truck are amusing. The home makeover shows are usually OK (although usually quite unrealistic in their timeframes and money spent).

But the ones that exploit people -- those are the worst. Surgery is no walk in the park. It's almost like selling your soul to the devil, appearing on those shows....

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:30 pm
by GemGal
bbsadmin wrote: It's almost like selling your soul to the devil, appearing on those shows....
I absolutely agree, but I find myself being one of those people slowing down to look at an accident on the highway. Sometimes, you can't help but watch. I know, it's awful, but I'm a Reality T.V. show junkie.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:49 pm
by lesdents
Another thing I find particularly atrocious on those shows is that they give ALL the women these HUGE breast implants. It's SO sexist and gross, and it doesn't even look good. AND, they give all the "ethnic" women nose jobs, because it's not OK to look non-white!

Plus, for time reasons, they all get veneers to hide their crooked teeth instead of really fixing them. I'm not fundamentally opposed to veeners or anything, it's just that they're all these quick fixes that are not necessarily what's really best.

I hate those shows, and will never participate by watching. I went to a film screening and discussion about The Swan the other day, and one of the women from it was there. She looked scary, and the implants they gave her were so big, they made her look overweight. I just don't understand why people are willing to do such extreme things to themsevles to fulfill unreasonable standards of beauty.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:22 pm
by Joual
These shows just care about ratings and making characters out of the people on them. It's terrible that they made her family say those things about her.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:51 pm
by drazda
Did the sister really feel the need to kill herself and leave her children behind because of some silly comments she made? Sad story, but the sister must have had serious issues to begin with.