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Adjustment 2 - no pics yet

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:39 pm
by pippy
Just back from adjustment two.........early Christmas present...he took the springs out!! :lol: I had them to make space for laterals on top and bottom. The bottom had enough space to get connected to the archwire today so that was exciting but I didn't realise he also got rid of the top spring. Not complaining, (am damn glad to be rid of it as between it and my overbite my lip kept getting caught in it!!) but it seems odd as there isn't enough space for it to come through and it looks like it will just push my front tooth out further :? He's even disconnected the 'other wires' that he had in addition to the archwire so that there is nothing pulling those other teeth back to make space. Hmmmm...maybe its revenge for my eating garlic last nght :oops: Mouth feels like I've been whacked with a hammer but its all very exciting - I was hoping the springs would be gone by Christmas as I have to present at a conference ...but to have them gone already - wooohooooooo!!! No more fishing food out of springs :D

Just on the food topic - this has been a great few weeks - the only thing I'm not eating that I normally would've is crackers which are still a bit too much hassle. Spring rolls were an adventure...and pizza was to die for :D Back on the mush today but have had a damn good time

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:10 pm
by lionfish
I missed the whole spring experience, thank goodness (it had been mentioned early on). It's great that they've gone early.

Good to see you're eating well. I haven't had a spring roll in ages, pity I've just had lunch....

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:49 am
by braced4asmile
That is great news! It's even better news when you don't expect it! I had springs too and food got caught in them all the time.

By coincidence I had garlic bread last night and have my second adjustment today! :oops: