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Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:05 pm
by newmetal
Well, one month into my treatment....just a reminder,i had one tooth sticking to far out and another tooth sticking slightly too far in but these were beside one another. Well, since scrolling through fellow forumers teeth pics i see that this is quite common, also what seems to be common is that a small spring is placed on that part of the brace to move the sticky out tooth into place and give room for the hiding tooth to poke through...hope you are still following by this point, i know im not being too clear. Well my ortho stuck a bracket onto the tooth which was hiding away but because of where it was did not attatch it to the archwire. So one month in, the stick out tooth has moved slightly in but the tooth that was hiding has be pushed further back by that tooth and is really far back to the point i keep messing up my words as my tounge clashes with the foriegn tooth! Im just a bit narked as i think this could have been avoided, also the way he has stuck a bracket on the hiding tooth it is now preventing the sticky out tooth from moving further back, as the bracket is at such an angle its clashing with the tooth!Sorry for the poor punctuation and grammer, im just in a rant mood!

Many Thanks

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:29 pm
by pippy
Sorry you are having a rough time of it.....I have the sticky out and in thing happening....laterals on top and bottom hiding behind other teeth and some fairly fangy canines and front teeth sticking out. I've had the springs for two months and on the bottom its worked well and the shy one has been attached. On the top he has attached the shy one but there is no room for it and it is pushing against my newly straight front tooth (which put me through some pain getting straight from being sticky out!)....I was a bit worried about it and my next appointment isn't for 8 weeks so I ducked back in this morning and asked him about rassured if no less sore :)

Any chance you can ask yours what the heck is going on? When mine seem to be getting worse on the way to getting better I feel better if I ask and at least know he has a plan and the current mess is part of it.

Hope you get it sorted - the springs are enough drama to talk with, no need for teeth to be adding to the hassle!!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:30 pm
by newmetal
Yea im just going to leave it until my next adjustment which is only 2 weeks away, so ill just wait to see what he says! So are the springs difficult to talk with then?

Many Thanks