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Braced 2 weeks ago -pic finally attached

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:35 pm
by MBell
Hi Guys,

I am 21 years old, just got braced 2 weeks ago, after years of hating my teeth, I finally made an appointment aug 25th was braced on Sep 27th both upper and lower I have crownding on my upper and lower front teeth, slight over bite - well I think thats what I have. had no extractions, which I am a little confused as to how 1 of my bottom teeth will fit in place. my top teeth will fit in place as I had already lost a tooth a couple of years ago,
I like probably everyone one have spent years hiding my smile and the main reason I did not get this done earlier was I was so embarrased of my teeth I couldnt even bear a dentist looking at them - silly huh?
But now of course I wish I had this done a while ago.

My teeth are very crooked and worse its all only in my front teeth, I have spent years of trying to talk in a way that my teeth are hidden , more like mumbling hehe..

I have been looking at this site since August and think its great, I especially like looking at the progress pics they are really good and I cant wait till my tetth are straight.

Ok so some questions,

I know everyones teeth moves differently but anyone who has experienced the same type of problems with their teeth (crowding) how long did it take for your teeth to straighten up. I dont mind wearing braces that much its just having very crooked teeth and braces are the worse part for me. - most people I meet in braces actually appear to have straight teeth, dont know if their doing minor work or their teeth have alread straightened???

And any progress pics wuld be great to see.

This pic is 2 weeks into braces, I can believe I.m putting this pic on, I feel as though my teeth are the worse I've ever seen

ps: sorry its not that clear I have been trying all day to put a pic on just worked it out.

[URL= ... .jpg[/img][/url]

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:03 pm
by lionfish
Hi mbell, great day today, isn't it?

There have been a few posts recently about the pace of movement. Scroll down a bit on this forum and you will find them.

I'm not a pic poster myself, but there are instructions on the board (somewhere).

If you want to see progress pics, go to the Braces Stories forum. There are plenty before, during and after pics there.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:53 pm
by pippy

i know exactly what you mean!! I got mine 13 weeks ago and was horrified when I saw them on as I had only seen them on straight teeth and sort of expectde this inconspicuous little wire not the deranged origami I ended up with!! Plus people who never noticed my teeth were crooke before were now drawn to commenting on them! My teeth were in some ways similar to yours - little ones hiding behind others. Check my recent post - adjust 2 with pics and you will see the changes only another 10 weeks could bring. Now people are commenting nicely about the braces and teeth. Hang in there. Those of us who start off with mad teeth get to see changes really quickly and it all gets very exciting!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:48 pm
by joney
Hi MBell

Great that you're braced. I know what you mean about dentists. I used to hate it each time I went to a new dentist and I would feel like they were gasping at my teeth. I'm sure this was just me being self conscious as they must see all sorts in their line of work but it didn't stop me feeling that way nevertheless.

Good luck with everything. I'm sure things will start moving pretty quickly for you.



Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:44 pm
by MBell
Hey guys,

Thanks for your comments and support, this forum is so great to know you are not alone in feeling the way I did, now I just feel silly for not doing something with my teeth sooner.
But never late than never I guess.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:38 pm
by cbushnaq
I too have always been very self consious about my teeth and hated to go to the dentist or hygienist. And when I first got my braces on so many people noticed them since it enhanced their crookedness. But I am very happy to say that I have seen significant movement since I had them put on 5 weeks ago. I know everyone is different but you will probably see a significant change in the next few weeks. And don't think that your teeth are the worst - everyone thinks theirs is the worst. (I think mine are a lot worse than yours!

Good luck!