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26 days to go til they're off.....I don't look ready (pics)

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:27 am
by Lyn
Hey everyone!

Only 26 days to go until my braces come off......I don't think I'm ready. Is it possible to get cold feet and NOT want them to come OFF??? :shock:
After looking at other posts here and looking at my own (pics), I'm wondering if I need more time for them to "settle". What do you think?


Sorry, the pics are bad, I don't have a digital camera.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:13 am
by eaglesoaring

HI!! Wow...only 26 days, huh? That's exciting! From looking at your pics, I'd say they look good! What, specifically, do you see as not being ready? For example, what specific teeth? That would help me when I look at the pic. Is your bite good? Comfortable?

Also, follow your "gut" feeling. If you don't think they're ready to come off, you need to talk with your Ortho about it. Explain the reasons.

Good luck either way! Your smile looks great!

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:21 am
by sportsgrl97
im in the same position... i dont think my teeth are ready for them to come off yet but last adjustment my ortho said i was... but since im thinking that there are still a few things to be corrected im going to talk to them about getting the problems corrected before they come off... talk to your ortho... people will say that your teeth look great in the pictures but it all comes down to how you personally feel about them.. if you feel they could be better then they probably can... just talk to your ortho..

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:21 am
by CLAmom
I think your teeth look beautiful!! Maybe the lowers need just a tad bit of leveling, otherwise very nice. Wish mine looked that good.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:52 am
by Gennel
If your bite is good and they are aligned then you might be ready to have them off. Maybe what you are seeing is some teeth being longer,shorter,rounder and just not matching all the other teeth. If that is the case then your ortho may offer you Free shaping/contouring the same day that your braces are off.
By the way they look pretty darn good.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:51 pm
by Lyn
I chipped a few on the bottoms (when I was younger)..........he said he would do some leveling/shaping when they came off. Maybe this is the illusion I am getting - - thinking they don't look right.
My bite is GREAT - a slight overlap on bottom teeth. My pic shows me w/mouth slightly open [to see all teeth].
Thanks y'all.. :-#)

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:30 pm
by PnkPrincess024
i just went to the ortho 2day and he said things look really good and possibly ill be debanded in december!!!!!

i didnt think i looked ready and showed him that i thought some of my back teeth werent touching because i can put my tounge in between them but he said my teeth are more rounded and thats why it looks like that ...YOU MIGHT HAVE THE SAME CASE!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:47 pm
by weird_wired
I think they look great!

To be honest, I also felt like my teeth needed a bit more adjustment even though I just had my top brace off. And I probably could have asked the ortho to do it, but I was getting impatient to get the wire off. And he thought that they were pretty much as ready as they could be. But there are a couple of things to bear in mind:

1. Treatment is unlikely to get anyone 100% perfect. 95% is still an excellent result.

2. Orthodontic treatment makes you hypercritical: you notice and stress over things that are simply invisible to other people.

I've spent the whole weekend asking my family "but do you think this tooth is still a bit too high?" and driving them quite insane ;)