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Had my 1st Adjustment this morning

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:44 am
by diande
Not very eventful and all over very very quickly.

An assistant removed my ligatures and then the arch wire and let me brush my teeth. They were even nice enough to have a toothbrush with toothpaste already on it waiting for me.

When I saw the Ortho, she needed to spend no more than 10 minutes with me it seemed.

She told me that some of the spaces had started to close already (I still can't see anything very different except that the spaces shifted along a bit but, oh well). I got a slightly bigger arch wire and I got powerchains (but nothing exciting like I've seen here, and not looking very power-full honestly, lol)...and that was it!

I was kinda disappointed :P I know this might sound strange, but I hope that my teeth at least hurt a bit later so that I know something maybe more apparent and obvious is happening! Lol :D

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:20 am
by iBorg
Haven't had my first adjustment yet but I'm hopeful for a bit more. As to how much was done, wait until tomorrow. Maybe then you'll have a better feel how much was done. The change of archwire and powerchains doesn't seem that small especially when you have adjustments once a month. My ortho normally works on a two month schedule. I can not express how anxious I am for my adjustment.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:38 am
by sportsgrl97
wow your ortho spending 10 minutes with you and it was only your first adjustment jeezzz... mine doesnt even spend really 5 minutes and im pretty much finished... if i remember correctly i think i saw my ortho for all of 45 seconds or a minute on my first adjustment... 1st adjustments are really meant to be exciting lol... theyre are still trying to get your teeth straight enough to put a bigger archwire in there so they can start doing stuff like rubberbands and detailing with a stainless steel wire which comes in the very end.... but getting powerchains on a first adjustment would have been big for me because i had a ton of spaces from an expander but i only got ligs.... just be happy after every adjustment, big or small, because no matter how wimpy it might have seemed it will make a difference by next adjustment.. good luck with the rest of your treatment diande! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:27 pm
by cbushnaq
I got my 1st adjustment today too! I also got a slightly larger wire and new ligs. I was told that I would have alot of soreness tonight and would soon see a lot of movement.

Hope you start to see some movement soon.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:50 pm
by vivi21
hello i just had my 1st adjustment too & just like u my ortho spend not even 5 min i had 2 extractions on my upper mouth & they just change my arch on the top & got the power chain i hope u don't feel that bad anymore cause i felt like u did but now i think i lot people go trought the same thing lol

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:11 am
by diande
iborg - That's a very good point, having adjustments once a month I mean and having powerchains and a new arch wire. I don't think I could stand waiting 2 months! Hmm...when I look at it like that it isn't too bad, lol. Well there still isn't any pain, one day later, but my lower 6 front teeth are sensitive to touch - the work of the archwire I think.

sportsgrl97 - You sure sound like you know your stuff! "rubberbands and detailing" and all :wink: thanks for the encouragement!

cbushnaq - Congrats! I bet you looked forward to the first adjustment as much as I did! Are you sore? This is the day after and I dont have any pain just a slight feeling of tension. I am salivating a lot more...or else I'm just noticing it more, lol

vivi21 - More congrats in order! You're right, I'm not alone :) Keep me updated with how your power chain experience is going ok! I keep looking in the mirror as if anything's going to be different already, lol

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:26 am
by iBorg
I'm not happy with the two month period. That seems to be the norm here. My ortho is the only one that has a reputation for working with adults and TMJ. I had a revealing converstaion with a former patient of one who told me that while she paid less and was only braced for a year she felt she got what she paid for and would go to my ortho if she had to do over.

Maybe later on the visits will be more frequent. Of course I've already had two emergencies. One for a loose bracket and the other for a poking wire and problems with my splint. That's when I got fitted with the bit plate for sleeping only.

Still, I'm thrilled with my progress. With the two month cycle, the week after my first adjustment I get my lowers.


Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:27 am
by iBorg
deleted second post

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:27 am
by iBorg
deleted third post

1st Adjustment was last Wednesday!

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:36 am
by Cablindian
I had my 1st adjustment a few days ago. I have spaces in the front 6 teeth - top and bottom rows. My ortho changed both of my wires to stainless steel 0.16 and powerchain on bottom row. I guess I'm getting accustomed to it, because so far, I don't feel much pain or uncomfort. It's weird because I actually want to feel pain (just to know that its working).. It seems to be working, though. The space in my top front teeth is closing. I hope to see more closures!!

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:22 pm
by vivi21
diande : hello i want to thank u for making me feel special & having time :lol: to anwear my comment i just sign in 10/13/06 for the 1st time i have been @ the site since i got my braces on 08/04/06 but i didn't had the courage :oops: to sign in my speeling is not that good :oops: i don't really know the lingo of the chat so i want to say i'm sorry in advance if i can't spell something lol right, take care & keep updaded too with any experiances that u might have thank u one more time to make me feel like part of this fun family


Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:02 am
by diande
Hi everyone, I'm back from a long weekend and it was great - lots of activity, lots of people, lots of interaction. I even sang a duet yesterday at church and no one noticed my braces! And I wasn't that far from the seating, not on a stage or anything! I was thrilled :D

iborg- I think your appts. will definitely get closer together as time passes, especially when the 'detailing' (my newest fave. word) starts. It's good that you have a vote of confidence in your ortho too. That kind of implicit recommendation does wonders. One of the biggest reasons I used my ortho without any other consultation was because I'd personally known a girl who had similar teeth probs as mine, except much worse, and now I've heard her teeth are "beautiful" as one of my best friends tell me.

Cablindian- I also have spaces in the front 6 teeth, top and bottom. In fact those are the only teeth that have power chains since my first adjustment. And like you, there still hasn't been any pain (so I stopped expecting any) and nothing I would call discomfort. And you're seeing closure already, wow. How many days ago,exactly, was your adjustment? I want to see that kind of progress too!!!

Vivi21- No problem about your spelling, I understood you fine :wink: I'm only concerned that we don't make it harder for you to improve your spelling because people online, like myself, tend to use a lot of bad spelling when we shorten everything or decide not to correct mistakes! How has it been going with your braces? Are you seeing noticeable changes yet?