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hmm I was wondering...

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:42 pm
by trequ
So I was wondering what my ortho told me the other day..
Starting next month I was told they would be starting to fix my over bite which will be taking 8-9 months to fix..

Now to be honest as I was being told what they would be doing to my mouth.. all I kept thinking was "this sounds like it could be painful"

She said something about some wire? maybe.. with loops of some sort and a 90 degree angle?? And that it would be pulling my top 6 front teeth back to fill in the gaps where they pulled out my teeth..

Can anybody fill me in on whats going on?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:17 am
by Indalee
Hi treque. I have an overbite too that my ortho will be working on after all my teeth line up right. I already have bends in my upper and lower wires. They put bends and loops in wires to pull, push and move your teeth up and down. So basically archwires are “smartâ€