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Fully braced!!

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:48 pm
by tamsteve
Hey everyone I am officially braced now!!! :-)o I got my bottom braces on Tuesday!! They also changed my wire out on top with a thicker, i guess that's good too!! They are still very sore but, i am starting to eat more...a little messier too!! :) The thing that feels odd is my bite feels like my top teeth are long and hitting my bottom ones.....I guess that's just m y bite changeing on my teeth. I can floss all my bottom teeth except one...there is one on the bottom that i can't get the floss in to save my life!!! I don't know why but, i just can't do's tight or something. I will be posting pics bottom are worse then the tops so, i can't wait to see the difference in them!! :lol: I also notice i have a hard time talking with the bottom i guess that will get better i time. My top didn't even hurt much when they put the thicker wire in ...i was thinking oh gosh the top and bottom are gonna be sore but, it wasn't that bad. They hurt every once in awhile, sometimes it feels like a cavity, very sensitive. Sometimes when i brush the bottom they will throb afterwards but, i just take a goodypm powder and they are fine......yay i'm on the journey to starighter teeth :-#) :-88

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 4:12 pm
by Tin Indian
:D Congratulations tamsteve,
Glad to here you are doing so well from the onset, hope things only progress from there.