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Important dinner party, you were there.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:16 am
by Kat
HA! I went with my boyfriend to a Doctors dinner party last Friday and during dinner I thought of this form and how everyone of us knows the feeling of dealing with food in our teeth and just eatting in public sitting there at that table knowing you guys have experienced the same thing, others really don't know what we go though emotionally.

I was at the table hoping no one would notice the braces---yeah right! I realized what a struggle I really do have with these things! The Doctor I just met and was sitting next to looked at me a bunch I could tell when I would try to dislodge what ever was there.
I have a bracket on the left side with a hook and everything gets caught on that side.
Well the other doctors st the table were asking me questions about myself and all I could think of "Do I have something stuck in my teeth and do they see it"!? everytime I opened my mouth.
Well when I returned home I looked in the mirror to brush and saw a small piece of something right in the front. :oops:
I was smiling real big at everyone too.
When ever there was a mirror even close I'd try to look in it without anyone seeing.

I've learned to take a small mirror and keep it in my purse at all times!

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:29 am
by Ravishing
I've had a couple of visible food in braces moments while eating dinner with a group. I always try and take a mirror with me but sometimes its hard to get a moment when I can pull it out and take a look. I've told my husband that from now on he needs to glance at my teeth when were out. He's agreed to make some sort of subtle gesture to let me know if I need to excuse myself and go pick food out of my braces.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:25 am
by jeniwan
Did your boyfriend know you had food stuck to your front teeth?! If he didn't notice, maybe no one else did either?

Maybe you should do something like Ravishing and her husband do... work out with your boyfriend some sort of code word or gesture to let you know you have a stowaway on your teeth :HugeGrin: .

I think I'm going to do the same thing with my husband... his problem is that he has the subtlety of a brick. I'd much rather him make a quick gesture with his hand than blurt out, "Hey Jen, you have a big green glob stuck on your teeth!" :yikes:

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:54 am
by Pirate Wench
I have had moments like that too. :oops: I used to be really really embarrased, but now I am just a little bit embarrased. :oops: As soon as we are eating with people we don't know, I let them know that I have braces and to excuse me if I have anything in my teeth. I would rather deal with everyone knowing I have braces then to have them trying to catch a glimps of my teeth through the whole meal. If I mention the braces as soon as we sit down, then all the questions and staring is done before the meal comes. That way they don't notice if I have something stuck in my teeth as easy because they aren't constantly staring at my mouth! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:17 am
by Kat
I always ask my boyfriend if there's something in the braces and he always says no. He would let me know I'm sure but maybe he needs to be a little more in tune with this, it seems I have to ask every time instead of him telling me. :evil:

Usually I'll let everyone know in a real nice way and it's no big deal but when there's 400 people...

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:36 am
by Mmmmuuaa
I just got my braces on so I'm still learning how to eat with them. I've already decided that whenever I'm done eating, straight to the washroom to brush. I also was thinking of always having a glass of water so I can subtly swish water around my mouth when I feel like there's stuff lodged. Is that possible to do that discreetly? Ha Ha, probably not, but I'll try anyway. I'll just tell everyone "Hey what's that over there?" and when they're not looking, do a quick mouth rinse. Hmmmm, just thought of something, can't spit it out though, will have to swallow, kinda gross.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:56 pm
by lionfish
I use the napkin trick as well, more for reattaching elastics than anything else.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:45 am
by Kat
What's the napkin trick?

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:06 pm
by lionfish
Hold napkin in front of mouth with one hand in pretence of wiping mouth. Cast eyes around dinner table to make sure that no-one's gaze is focussed on you, then with other hand discreetly remove gunk and/or reattach elastic. Works like a charm!

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:29 pm
by jcdamon3
When eating with others, I try to not bring any attention to my mouth at all. You can talk most of the time with your teeth not showing. If someone cracks a joke while you are eating it is perfectly acceptable to put your hand over your mouth. When you are done eating excuse yourself and go to the restroom and do either a quick check or a quick brush. Then you can enjoy the rest of your evening. If you don't want to repeat this for dessert just refuse dessert.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:35 pm
by jaswi
Just yesterday I had a big lunch at work with 17 other people and 3 executives, including the president of our company...I ended up getting sat right across from the president. A little embarrassed for sure, but I think I kept it under wraps pretty good.. .glad there was plenty of other people there to stare at.