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Two extractions today--potential problems. Have a ?

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:37 pm
by Jared
My dentist extracted my two first upper bicuspids today. On one a small 3-4 mm piece of the root broke off and stayed in the gum. He tried to get it out a bit, but didn't make it seem like it was too big a deal. He said he didn't want to mess around too much in there, and that it would likely be just fine. He said I should just let my ortho know. The only risk is supposedly a simple absess. I looked at him and thought, "SIMPLE ABSESS!" Should I be concerned here or am I worrying for litte reason? Thanks. JR

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:07 pm
by Regina Rose
I had both first upper bicuspids out in August and they were not the "easy" extractions everyone said they would be. Turns out my teeth have very thin roots and that caused both teeth to break into pieces and complicate the extraction process. Despite taking every precaution, I did end up with one dry socket (due to the traumatic nature of the extraction). I'm just guessing but perhaps that's what your dentist was trying to avoid by not "messing around too much in there" -- he may have been trying to reduce your chances of getting a dry socket.

Just monitor your extraction sites carefully for any signs of infection and contact your dentist immediately if you have any concerns.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:53 pm
by rsprouse

I have seen root tips that have been in a person for many years without a problem. But the proper standard of care is to remove it unless removal will put the patient at an increased risk (IE - Mandibular molar with root tip near the IAN). If the root tip stays then you cannot properly close a gap with orthodontics. There is no harm asking for a referral to an oral surgeon if your GP does not feel comfortable removing it.

Good Luck,

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:07 am
by Koolmama
Hi Jared,

i believe i was one of those unlucky ones whose root tips broke off when my childhood dentist extracted one of my pre-molars when i was 10 years old. Stupid dentist didn't clean it up and it was sticking out of my gum for the next 19 years!!! It never bothered me until recently when i "thought" i felt mild aches around the area and decided to ask my dentist to pull it out (it was simple and fast and painless)... The only thing is, sometimes i still feel this mild "ache" inside the gum where the root tip used to be... Dunno whether it's just my imagination or there's something really wrong inside :? :? :?