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Query, help!!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:37 am
by Iccle_Peanut
Hi everyone, i've had my brace on now for nearly a month. Since i have had my brace put on i've been having the shakes, feeling nauseous, light headed and a feeling of being spaced out!!!!!

I had a small black out which caused me to fall badly and yesterday i nearly passed out!!!

I'm seeing my doctor on tuesday!!! (earliest appointment) :roll: but i find it strange that this all started when i got brace, never ever before had these sensations!!

Has anyone else has this? Or am i just assuming the wrong's weird!

Apart from this i am totally fine!!! The only other thing i could put it down to is being a veggie??? Alot of people say i could be ill as i might not get enough protein?? I've been veggie nearly a year though and this started since getting braced!

Thankyou everyone in advance

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:23 pm
by Lisa65
What you're describing sounds like low blood sugar. Have you reduced your intake of sugary foods since being braced, or are you skipping meals because you don't want to be brushing your teeth?

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:14 pm
by Joanna20
Hi! I don't think braces 'cause these things. However I got a tooth extracted on Tuesday (and my archwire wasn't removed during/post extraction and on Wednesday morning I almost fainted in Uni...
It's probably because you can't eat so well with braces that you're loosing minerals and essencial protein etc. I've lost so much weight since getting braces, I'm taking vitamins from time to time and you should see your doctor and buy some vitamins as well.

Good luck

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:06 pm
by newmetal
Elo iccle peanut!

You should have asked for an emergency appoinment and got seen that day, you should not have to experience these blackouts any longer.

Could it be an allergic reaction to the brace materials? Im sure situations like this can arise, although, it does sound like the symptons of anemia. This is not something to worry too much about as it is quite common and usually is treated by giving you iron tablets. The doctor will probably give you a blood test and then diagnose the problem. I hope your problem is sorted soon!

Once again dont worry too much about it, it could be a thousand things, tiredness, stress, anemia, allergies...and the list continues!
