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Clear vs metel Braces

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:39 pm
by suetran
Clear braces vs metel braces.
I'm new here so please any suggestion?...
pictures would be great also ...
and how long it took..
and what you all think about them?

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:05 pm
by lionfish
This is very much a personal preference.

I have ceramics on my lower front 8 and metal on the remainder (I have lingual braces on top arch). Sorry, I don't have pics. Others will no doubt post pics, otherwise go to the "bracket club" or "our braces stories" boards and you should find pics there.

I'm happy with this combination, although I recently went with coloured ligs on my ceramics because I've had enough of staining (the brackets themselves do not stain).

I'm not sure what your question on "how long it took" relates to, but if it's the speed of ceramics vs metal, then there is no apparent advantage in using one over the other.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:29 pm
by ssfw
I have clear brackets on my upper teeth and front lower 6 teeth and metal brackets on the remaining lower teeth. I chose the clear brackets because I did not want the braces to be too visible. My orthodontist wanted me to get metal brackets on the lower back teeth I think due to the elastics I will need to wear next time. Originally they told me I may need metal brackets on the back teeth on the upper arch but recently he said he thinks it should be fine and if not, he can change them next time. I do like the experience of wearing both types of braces and they have not been a problem for me. My ortho did initially tell me that the clear brackets usually take an additional 3-4 months longer but I know this varies with all patients.

My suggestion is to take a look at some of the actual brackets or their demos at your ortho's office and go with what you really want, unless your ortho insist on a certain type of bracket due to your orthodontic corrections. I really think no matter what brackets you choose you will get use to them and when you begin to see movement in your teeth you will not be as concerned about visibilityof the braces. By the way, clear brackets usually cost more per arch.

Hope this info. helps.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:08 pm
by Skinny
Hi there I have clear on my top and medal on bottom , My Ortho thinks Medal is the best and the fastest? But I wanted the clear on top because Im almost 30 years old and didnt think all medal would look good on me.
I very happy with my clear on top I have pictures if you go to the link you can see them. Good luck!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:42 pm
by Delag
It is a tough choice alright! I am getting my hardware put on this Monday. I love the way the ceremics look with the colored ligs, but I think I am going with the metal. I figure that since I will wind up using colored ligs with the ceramics - because I think they are fun - , I might as well save the $ and just get the metal.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:39 pm
by SecondTimer
I had a hard time making this decision myself. I went with Ceramic on the top and metal on the bottom and I'm pleased with the decision. I will say that the people who have commented "hey, when did you get braces?" have all told me they didn't realize I had braces on the top until I pointed them out. I would do whatever you're most comfortable with.

Good luck with your decision.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:49 am
by missing_tooth

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:04 pm
by IzzyCharm
I was talking to a friend who has metal braces and she said the reason she went with metal was bc the "clear" ones tend to turn yellow after a certain period of time. Is that true?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:29 pm
by lionfish
IzzyCharm wrote:I was talking to a friend who has metal braces and she said the reason she went with metal was bc the "clear" ones tend to turn yellow after a certain period of time. Is that true?
No. It's the clear ligatures (modules) or powerchains that stain, not the brackets. The way around this is to go with colour, which does not necessarily mean standing out in the crowd.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:49 pm
by fins
Ceramics can be VERY painful to remove.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:50 pm
by Dramagyrl
I have ceramics on the top and metal on the bottom.
As everyone else has said, it's personal preferance. I suggest reading on here and asking to see models at your ortho's office.
My biggest problem with the ceramics was not the clear elastics (I just changed to silver for less staining) but they are quite big and my lip just doesn't seem to fit right over them. Some orthos offer really small metals, which could be just as subtle as the ceramic.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:24 am
by fins
No, I'm not talking about the cement removal....the actual brackets being removed can be painful. The metal brackets I didn't even know were taken off but ceramics...what a shock.

ceramic metal

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:31 pm
by violinist
I have a friend her name is Lucia Williams shes very short and she wears braces . she is around 50 years old, even thugh she don't look like it, shes so adorable, back to what i was saying, yes she is also my mom' s friend, nd I am lucky enough to have her as my school guidence counciler.She wears braces, the reason she wears them is because if she didn't her teeth would fall out and her teeth would cut into the roof of her mouth nd would cause her such pain and she had a bad overjet, horrific, she describes it to me.well yes she is a guidence counciler and got the braces not too long ago. she has the Clear Ceramic ones on the top, becuase she talks to people teenagers like every minute of everyday and she dicided to go with the clear ceramic kinds on her top row of teeth and the Traditional Steel metal kind on her bottom row . though she has the clear on top she didn't want them to be that visable, all her 9-1 (Freshmen Division 1 {that's her division only}) can tell and all know she wears braces as much as she didn't want ppl to see they all know. But even though she says she hates braces her end resuklt will be her keeping her teeth nd having them be perfect for her and no moore pain. which is good, she's too mice a person to have to go through that much pain.