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Ortho didn't put all brackets in

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:00 pm
by skip27
Today was my first day in braces using the Viazis bracket ( Turns out I'll only have to wear these things for 6 months, after having gone through expanders for my upper and lower part of my mouth.

So, the good news is that I can articulate perfectly without the expanders, now that my tongue can move around. The bad news? Well... obviously, I'm very self-conscious about my looks.

My orthodontist did not put all of the brackets in. He put brackets on the top 4 middle teeth and on the bottom 6 middle teeth. When I asked him why, he stated that certain teeth have to be moved first and that my bite has to readjust before placing the remaining brackets. My next appointment is December 19.

Has anyone else gone through the same thing, where your ortho didn't put all of your brackets in? I feel as if I look ridiculous when I smile. Being the type of person that is smiling virtually all the time, I feel that I now have to suppress who I am so that people don't see how silly these things look. At least, that's the way I see it. Perhaps I'm being too hard on myself, but I'm still worried.

Anyway, answers (and emotional support) would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:54 pm
by cbushnaq
I had all of my brackets put on but not all of them are attached to an archwire so my situation is different. But when I first had my braces put on I was so self conscious of them. I thought that it made everything look so much worse but according to everyone I asked I was the only one seeing my teeth that way. It is probably the same for you. So smile away - we are always our worst critics.

Also, I think people see you the way you see yourself. I think you are probably a very confident person and feel very good about yourself.(Based on the fact that you are virtually always smiling!) So if you continue on as before you got your braces people are going to notice that way before they notice the brackets or lack of them on your teeth.

Try not to worry and keep on smiling!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:37 pm
by lionfish
My lower brackets were put on in two stages. Don't know why, didn't think to ask at the time. My only regret in having more teeth bracketed was that I had (still have) to deal with flossing further back!