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Allergy/sensitivity to archwire?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:50 am
by materialsgirl
Hi everyone! I did a search on this topic but there were only a few posts regarding nickel allergies. I was hoping to get some thoughts/advice on something before I call up my ortho about this...

I've had my braces on for 9 months now, but just recently, I've started developing some localized areas of inflammation on the insides of my cheeks - right where my upper archwire contacts the cheeks (on both sides of my mouth). They are VERY sore, to the point where I cannot sleep on my side at night because the pain is just too intense. This is a completely new problem for me, and it occurred to me that maybe I'm sensitive to something in the archwire. When he put my last archwire on (about a month ago), I remember him asking the assistant to get him a "Ni-Ti" wire. So I'm fairly certain there's nickel in this wire, but I'm just not sure if what I'm experiencing is a nickel allergy. I mean, surely I've had archwires before this that have contained nickel? So why am I just now having a reaction, after 9 months?

I should mention that I do get itchy when I wear gold jewelry, so it's possible I do have a nickel sensitivity. But I've never had this medically confirmed or anything - I just don't wear gold.

I'm just wondering what you all think of this, and if it's something worth bugging my ortho about. Maybe some of you have had a similar thing and can tell me what it is, and whether it will go away on its own. Thanks in advance for your time! :)

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:05 am
by Pirate Wench
Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time right now. It does seem weird that you would start to react after 9 months, but they say you can develope an allergy over night to anything.

I would talk to your ortho about what is happening for sure. I know when I first got my uppers, my ortho said that if I started to react to the braces there were different wires they can use instead.


Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:59 pm
by Delag
I agree with Pirate Wench - these things can develop over time. Give your ortho a jingle...that is what you are paying for :D