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Expander coming off early :) !!!

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:55 pm
by laina
Got a call from my ortho office today. Said they have an opening on friday. So, I'll be getting my expander out on the 27th (hopefully, if all goes as expected) instead of the 31st. I know it's only a few days difference, but I can't wait to have my expander out. It's going to be so much easier to eat, and especially talk. Hoping my lisp will decrease once it's out. Wish me luck, I'll keep everyone posted.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:34 pm
by newmetal
Congrats! You must be pleased!

Cool Cool


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:10 am
by summergirl
liania ,i to am over thrilled I got my expander off 2 weeks early .It has only been on just about 1 YEAR .It was horriable I was soooooo depressed I couldn't even come to this site.I just hated it soooooooooo much I could not talk saying (thank you ,east ,meet ,meat,eat ,great meatball) was so hard people would look like there was something wrong with me ,that is how I felt anyhow.The ortho made my day on OCT 31, when he said it was coming out for good .I got to the point where I just tried to ignore it.I think that helped a bit.Yes the people here are GREAT.Anyhow teeth are moving fast sooo hoping braces will be off early .Braces are a piece of cake compared to the expander .
