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They found something on my xray

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:54 pm
by tofino

I've been keeping something quiet since the beginning. During my initial visit to the orthodontist for records (late May 05), they did the usual Panarex. The orthodontist ordered another to be taken. Later, in the reception area, he said, "I need you to go see Dr. ******** ". My ortho pointed at a section of the xray near 3-3/3-4 (lower left jaw), where I stared in alarm at a vascular bundle/lucent structure. I asked what it was. The ortho demured. I was braced in late June 05. A few weeks later I went to see the specialist in "Dental Medicine". She is a dentist for one of our cancer agencies, and a wonderful person. She took some new xrays and stared at them for a long time. She asked me what I thought it was. Instead of laughing out loud I said, "An area of higher density". She said, "I think it's a 'normal variation', but I need to send them to an oncologist to be sure". A week later she called me and said that after considerable thought, they both agreed that it was a normal variation, but that I needed to be checked in a year. Well, difficult scheduling turned a year into 15 months, and I went to see her again on Tuesday of this week. The 5-minutes it took to develop the new xray were very long. She snapped them into the viewer, stared for one minute, then said, "You're fine." The formerly wickedly crowded and twisted roots in that area have been moved out of the way, giving a better look at the area, which led to her diagnosis. When I asked about return visits, she said that I could in one year if I wanted to, but that she didn't see a compelling reason.

So I don't have cancer, which is cool. My kids and I are healthy and strong, and life is good.



Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:01 am
by Zondrae
oh Glen I'm so glad to hear everything is clear now. How stressful for you. I'm glad it turned out ok.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:33 am
by psychic
Those are excellent news!

I am SO glad for you! I just can try to imagine the anxiety during this time!!


Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:58 am
by Lisa65
how awful for you Glen having that worry over your head! I'm so glad you've had good news and can stop worrying!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:55 am
by Caroline
Whoa! I've just let out a huge sigh of relief for you and you family. Great news, Glen. I'm so glad everything turned out well.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:20 am
by Delag
I don't even know what to say. I can only imagine the stress you have been under and what you must be feeling now. Sending a big hug!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:36 pm
by joney

Phew! What a relief. It goes to show that problems can be spotted with dental checks. A friend of mine's daughter had oral cancer spotted by her dentist aged 36 (she was a non-smoker).

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:26 pm
by smile2006
Wow, that is great must be elated at the news!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:46 pm
by Joanna20
Hey, I was just so scared reading through your post :? , I'm glad you are OK! I remember the first time I was asked what I wanted the most out of life in general - I replied "health", all the kids were staring at me like "what? doesn't she like to stay in bed and skip school?!" I later explained that without your health you can't enjoy anything else that comes after that!
Health is essencial!!! You are really fortunate that both you and your children are healthy :wink: I hope it keeps that way forever!

Good luck with everything,



Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:39 pm
by tofino

Thank you for your kind words.

During my learning-curve about the type of cancer that was potentially involved, I stumbled over some pictures of people who had untreatable cases, and my blood ran cold. Walking out of that office on Tuesday, even the grime, stench, rudeness, and crime of Vancouver were just fine. In my case it was only a scare, but I got a brief taste of the great liberation that must come from actually facing death and getting a second chance. Two of my fellow teaching colleagues have overcome cancer, and I can feel that they have a bigger view and greater joy. Now if only I could have that all the time, without the melodrama of waiting to hear the words out of the specialist's mouth.

Best to all.



Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:31 pm
by fitchick
Hi Glen,

I am so happy to hear that everything turned out well for you. It is so alarming when you hear those words.

I logged on to your post after reading 'they found something on my x-ray' because I had a similar experience with my x-rays. After the initial x-rays, my ortho pointed out a shadow area above my top 2 front teeth. He said that the x-ray gave him some cause for concern and that he'd study them closer and get back to me. I worried without telling anyone for 3 weeks. Then late one friday night my ortho called asking me to visit an endodontist for further x-rays. It was at this appointment that an infection in the bone above my teeth/below my nose was found. The infection was the result of trauma caused by me having a broken nose and teeth in an accident 25yrs or so ago! Hopefully the teatment that followed will have fixed the problem, I'll find out if it has, without me needing a small operation in about 6 mths time. So, if anyone else gets the dreaded 'What's this?' on their x-rays. Don't panic, it may just be something that can be dealt with quite easily.

Good Luck Glen with your treatment. Take Care everyone.


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:35 am
by bckydgardnr
Just like others have said, just reading your post made my stomach drop. I am so happy for you that everything is okay. After you experience something like that it really makes you look at things differently!