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Am I the only one who eats like a pig?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:00 pm
by Metamorphosis
I've been in bracers for just over a week. Not ONLY am I eating a ton, but when I chew I find that in order to not hurt myself I eat with my mouth wide open and I chew like a weirdo! haha. It's amusing, not really a rant ;)

I went out to dinner with a friend of mine (i nearly didnt go), and to make it fun, she chewed with her mouth open too. Gotta love friends! :D

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:43 pm
by joney
Braces haven't cramped my daughter's eating at all. She's still eating everything and even with a bite plate a few months ago she managed eating ok. Your style however doesn't sound very enticing, hope that improves for you soon and you can stop chewing like a wierdo!

I'm a really slow eater as it is so I dread to think how slow I may become when I get my brace on. Maybe I'll have to adopt your style but I wonder if my colleagues might invite me to lunch less often.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:50 pm
by 36nBraced
i understand the difficulty but i can't chew with my mouth open. what i do find myself doing is chewing less and swallowing larger chunks since it hurts like hell to chew.

it's so weird. when you're not chewing anything, you think your teeth don't hurt. But as soon as you chew something, you realize that every tooth in your mouth has pain :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:12 pm
by Jillianleab
I've noticed it's harder to chew with my mouth fully closed when my teeth hurt, so yea, I sometimes chew like a weirdo too! Also, like 36nbraced said, I have a tendency to chew less and swallow bigger chunck of food... probably not so good for digestion, but of well!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:19 pm
by Ravishing
If I'm alone and chewing with my mouth open is easier I totally eat like a pig now. But, When I'm with other people I try to take smaller bites and chew as normal as possible.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:04 pm
by Keith
I remember the first day I got braces. It was "salad bar" day at work. I ate my salad alone because I was worried. It was pretty impressive how much salad I did not swallow. I didn't go out to eat or like to eat in front of people for a few weeks, if not a month or two.

Fast forward 6 months from when I got braced and I eat like a pig. I eat burgers, in huge bites, and I've loaded things in my mouth as if I had a shovel. Luckily, I've only had a few bad days, usually after an adjustment (I remember elastics really slowed me down) but I have been eating like a pig since.

I think I chew with my mouth closed, for the most part. I used to be wary of eating anything without having a toothbrush at my side, but I got over that, too. I keep one in my car.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:44 pm
by lionfish
Another pig here, although I try to confine my bad behaviour to home. And yes, I do find it easier to eat with my mouth open. And to think I used to chide my OH for making a noise when he eats....

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:26 am
by MrsF
Yep, I am guilty of eating like a pig as well. The first few days I could blame my eating with my mouth open on the awkwardness of braces to my husband. Not anymore. Now whenever he catches me chewing like a pig, he gives me "the look". I try to definately eat nicer in public!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:52 am
by bip
So far, and i'm only in bands right now - my B-day is next wednesday - but evenso I notice that if i'm eating around other people I take really really really small bites and TRY to chew properly, although I must admit that things seem to be getting swallowed in bigger pieces! If i am by myself, ya'll are right, it just makes things more comfortable to chew like a cow! grrrooooosssss!!!! So, i'm thinking that I'll be eating by myself ALOT! :o

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:33 pm
by Metamorphosis
oh boy all of your posts have me giggling! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Last night I was eating (trying to anyway) pizza at my boyfriend's house. I was trying to be gingerly, but it was the most difficult food I've eaten to date. I kept apologizing but he simply thought it was cute (whew!)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:39 pm
by susieq182
oink! oink! soft foods arent to bad but pizza and stuff that is a bit harder to chew I am guilty of chewing with an open mouth. Lucky everyone understands and has been pretty nice about it but no one wants to sit across the table from me lately if we are having pizza or steak.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:35 pm
by psychic
i understand the difficulty but i can't chew with my mouth open. what i do find myself doing is chewing less and swallowing larger chunks since it hurts like hell to chew.
He he! I do that too!! And i also eat like i used to! I'm a very "sweet tooth" person and discovered that the sweets don't hurt 'cos they don't need a lot of chewing :wink: .... lol

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:59 am
by ishasha
Well I'm not chewing with my mouth open yet, but I'm chewing in a weird way. :D If I chew normally I would bit on one of the teeth and it hurt so much. So I'm moving my jaw in a weird position try not to touch that tooth... I'm eating very slow and swallowing food without much cutting. I thought I would feel hungry pretty very often because I usually have some snacks between meals but now I don't. Maybe it's because my stomach is having a hard time digesting those less cut food. :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:13 am
by Lisa65
I can't really chew very much at all at the moment. Fortunately I have a cast iron stomach as most of my food get swollowed in lumps with virtually no chewing at all!