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Treatment moving too FAST!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:56 am
by battleangel232232
I know a lot of people here are concern about their slow treatment but I’m right now I’m actually concern that my treatment is going way too fast! Ya! That’s right !!I’m complaining about my speedy treatment !haha One of my canines is moving WAY too fast compare to the other 3, it moved almost 3mm in 3.5 weeks!! While the rest only moved 1mm. I’m currently wearing 4 elastics to move those 4 canines back to close the 4 gaps from the pre-molar. The reason I think is probably because that canine is a bit taller then the rest and sometime it bumps on my upper teeth. I believe this actually loosen that tooth and allow it to move faster then the rest?????

I called my orth and he said this happen quite often, he also said that sometime it also happen when someone chew too much on one side of their month (anyone else have this problem??) and he said not to worry about it.

Dose anyone else have this happen to them???
If that’s the case, can’t we speed up our process by occasionally tapping on the moving tooth??