Depressed :(

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Depressed :(

#1 Post by Tfiestyone4u »

Well, I had my braces (tops) put on Monday. The first day was not too bad but since then my mouth is so torn up and raw despite the great advice on things such as the warm salt water rinses etc. Plus my lips are raw and burning and I've been using Neosporin Lip Treatment for chapstick. I am in customer service and so I am on the phones all day long and I realized that I'm getting really depressed. I know that everyone that I've talked to says that it'll get better and I'm sure it will. But I needed a place to vent because right at this moment, it feels like this will be a very long two years. I guess in all fairness today my mouth felt a bit better than yesterday...until my brackets caught my already raw cheek when i bit down and i bit a chunk out of my cheek.

Is it normal to go through a bout of depression right away?

Tanya :ouch:

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#2 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Tanya

Yes, it's completely normal to go through a bought of depression right away. You have probably been anticipating getting your braces for ages now, and you might have even been pretty excited about it. Now that they are on, you might be thinking "now what?" Then you add the pain, the ulcers, not being able to eat properly at first and it sucks!!

Remember to take time out for yourself during the first week or so, spoil yourself, and remember, it will get better! One thing that really brightened my day, after not eating a proper meal in over 24 hours, was to just sit in bed and have a milo tub (kind of like a soft chocolate mousse/yoghurty type thing). Every mouthful lifted my spirits!

And you can come here to vent any time! That is what we are here for!

Take care,

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#3 Post by xtrememkovr »

I think anything you're feeling right now is normal. I mean - braces are a big deal. You're making a big change - and your mouth and body are having to adjust to somethings it just isn't prepared to adjust to, IMO. All these things (yeah - I know we're gonna hear this alot... ) takes time and patience. Until you get over the hump however, I think it's wonderful that you are venting here.

I didn't realize that my speech was going to be affected with my expander - and I talk all day as well. I am head to head with people at the gym I work with - and on the phone convincing people to come in and try us out - and then when I'm not at school I also have to talk on the phone for my at home business. I took the night off (even though I really can't afford to) to take care of my ouchies and just take it easy - but I'm getting a bit worried about how long this "adjustment" will take, too.

I'm sorry I don't have much advice for you except the typical "hang in there" sort - but I did want to let you know that I understand some of what you are going thru (if not most) and I'm wishing you the best and a speedy adjustment ASAP. :)

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#4 Post by lionfish »

Hang in there, it will get better.

I didn't get the blues, but I recall an adjustment period of a couple of weeks where my tongue was savaged and everything I ate seemed to have fire in it. I was not a happy camper. After that, though, it was plain sailing and has been ever since.

Remember to stay well hydrated, apply wax if you need to and do the salt water rinses to give relief to sores.

And the time will absolutely fly.

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#5 Post by Lisa65 »

I got the blues badly a few days after having my top molar bands put on, and again last week after having them put on AGAIN after they'd had to be removed.
It was the pain of raw cheeks, a sore tongue and not being able to eat, being hungry and in pain is a bad combination.

My advice is to use the wax, all day every day at first, if you need it. Drink plenty of water as it really helps stop the soreness if your mouth doesn't dry out.
Do the salt rinses a few times a day and also a OTC treatment for mouth ulcers can help. One with lidocaine to numb the pain can make you feel a whole lot better while that sore skin heals up.

It does get better honestly.

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#6 Post by drazda »

Wax helps a great deal. I am in customer service and I working on a busy Friday night just 24 hours after getting braces. A LOT of talking, it's horrible! But the pain is mostly gone after a few short weeks. Promise.
Braces removed 10 months early on 1/23/07!

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#7 Post by Delag »

Tanya! My Monday morning braces buddy! I am right there with you. My husband and children keep asking me why I don't talk anymore :lol: I actually made the choice to stop talking so I wouldn't hurt so much - it has helped a great deal. I can't even imagine having to talk all the time at work. I have already gone through so much wax that I am getting worried - they don't sell it here and I don't know how many packages I can reasonably ask my ortho for. Attitude is everything in this game and I am really trying to ignore my sore teeth and focus my attention on other things (today I am cleaning closets....I have a feeling my entire house will be very orginized by my first adjustment). It sucks, but at least you have an online friend who is about to go and do another salt water rinse....

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#8 Post by neelie »


I found talking on the phone the first few days I was braced hurt! It does get better. I hate the sticky wax but it works. You will find new sore spots as your teeth begin to move. I keep thinking I won't need wax any more and then I need wax. I had a bout of depression when someone at church came up to me and said I hear you have braces let me see. Like I really want to stick out my teeth for her to see. It bothered me and I have decided next time someone says that to me I will tell them I don't mean to be rude but I would rather not show you. The end result may be a year and 5 months away but every day gets us closer to that perfect smile.

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#9 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Don't worry about venting we all do it one time or another. As for the depression I went into the orthodontic phase with depression which I knew was a bad mistake, I was depressed for about a week and then I had these people on the forums, my friends and my family to talk to and they all helped me overcome the depression stage.

Just this past wednsday I had molar bands put on and wow my tounge has never been so sore in my life so what did I do? I ended up increasing my warm salt water rinses and thats helped quite considerably. Anyways just take care we are all here for you and you have your friends and family if you have questions or need to vent.

Goodluck and we all promise things will get better.

SDFD TSchott

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#10 Post by hippyhippo »

Yup, I was really depressed my first week with braces. And then I had bouts in the 2nd and 3rd weeks while I was adjusting to them in terms of look and feel.

But sometime during I think my 3rd week I got used to them. I've now fully adapted and my braces have almost no impact on my life at all. I mean, I can't say I love my braces, but 95% of the time I forget I even have them. So yes, it DOES get better! :D

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#11 Post by Jillianleab »

As everyone has said, it does get better!

If your lips are really chapped and what you are using isn't working, pick up some Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment. My lips were really raw after my adjustment the other day, and this stuff has worked wonders!

Good luck, and feel free to rant here anytime!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

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#12 Post by Tfiestyone4u »

Hey Everyone!

Thank you all for the encouragment! It really does help to know that I'm not the only one that has had to battle this depression. I've done well at masking it with people at work and my family because they just don't get it, they SEE my braces but they sure don't feel them! :lol: Today was a fairly good day though. My mouth was "sore" but not where it was a constant thing on my mind. I only needed one piece of wax on my top molar band on the right side. So I did notice that I was in much better spirits today. Still hurts to eat but I decided that I'm not going to let it keep me from food and as strangely as this sounds, when I do it I notice I chew on the teeth that are the most sore. (Sorta like when you get your molars coming thru as a kid and you are chewing on carrots!). So I'm chewing and eating, just a lot less than normal.

Delag, I hope your mouth is giving you a bit of relief today too!
Tanya! My Monday morning braces buddy! I am right there with you.
And how's the house cleaning going? :) My weekend is finally here so that means MUCH less talking! yay!!!

Thanks again for all the encouragement everyone I truly appreciate you all allowing me to vent and then doing such a great job of helping to pick me up!

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#13 Post by Marzipan »

Talking IS a challenge and lots of talking can make things rub on certain spots over and over and cause pain and soreness. USE THAT WAX! For the front teeth I use silicone wax because it's more "invisible." For the side and back I use the sticky wax and plenty of it. Talking is much, much, much easier once you are all waxed up. And then the sore spots heal up and everything is better.

You'll be fine, just hang in there! :D

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#14 Post by Tfiestyone4u »

Thanks guys. Yes, talking is a fun little challenge. Amazing how you don't realize what your mouth actually does during then day until you get braces on and then you feel EVERYTHING it does! I went to church yesterday (without wax cuz my mouth was feeling pretty good) and did a lot of singing...big mistake! :lol: Let's just say i have wax on again!
there's no such thing as too much, and keep it on when eating,
My ortho told me to take it out when I eat, do you think there was any specific reasoning that he told me that other than maybe just thinking while eating it may come off? If I can eat with it and it won't come off or hurt anything wow that'd be AWESOME!

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#15 Post by xtrememkovr »

I swallowed some wax the other day with my Spaghetti O's. Other than ingesting a bit of wax, I don't know if there are other issues/problems that may come up. :)

Glad you are feeling better!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

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