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Dating an ortho's assistant

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:04 am
by Traffic
Is this the stupidest thing in the world to do or what?

One of my ortho's assistant's is really cute. She's always making fun of me when I'm there and I give it back to her pretty good. It's gotten to the point that the other assistants have described her as my "fan club". I'll be getting my braces off in about 1 month and I'll be disappointed if I don't get to see her after that.

Of course, it would be unprofessional for her to date a patient. Also, if things didn't work out, she could do some serious damage to me with those tools. :shock:

I just don't know.

So what do you think?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:28 am
by Lisa65
Well why not?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:24 pm
by Caroline
I say go for it! You never know...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:56 pm
by Iccle_Peanut
Go for it!!!! Good luck :D

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:58 pm
by Jillianleab
Go for it, the worst she can say is no!

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:20 pm
by newmetal
I dont know why, but i hate having my teeth looked at by pretty dental assistants. I dont know what it is, maybe some deep rooted insecurity but opening my mouth for an attractive girl to root around in unsettles me.


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:53 pm
by spideywoman


A dental assistant, who wears invisalign?

I wonder if she reads these posts?


It IS pretty popular...


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:57 pm
by bbsadmin
I have a female friend used to be a dental assistant in a regular dentist's office.

One of her male patients was always very friendly and they got along great. Finally one day he mustered up the courage to ask her out.

They have been married 15 years and have 3 kids!

So...I say go for it!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:49 am
by Gennel
awww ! admin that was a cute story!

I think you should go for it! You are at the end of your treatment .


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:08 pm
by Joual
Traffic, you should ask her out! Good luck!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:16 pm
by jenfire
Go for it! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:25 pm
by rexthedestroyer
My friend who has pretty bad teeth went to get a consultation at a dental office. The recpetionist is very attractive and he asked her for her phone number. She was real eager to give it to him even with his bad teeth.

I say go for it, she probably is real shy and wants you to make the first move. Actually she is probably annoyed that you have not asked her out yet. Don't hurt this girl any longer be a man ask her out.

I have had my braces on for three months now and I totally forget that I have them on most times. One of my biggest concerns was having braces at 28, I am male. I go out with girls all the time and have yet to have a problem.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:32 am
by spideywoman
Hey Traffic,

What was the result?

Did you go for it?

We are waiting for your news...

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:23 pm
by Traffic
So I went back today. I only saw her for a second, in that second she told me she wish I didn't show up (with a grin), then she went to help another patient. That was the last time I saw her because she left right afterwards.

Not willing to let things go I talked to the receptionist as she was leaving (I'm always the last appointment on Friday.) She seemed excited that I asked and at first said that she was single, and then said that she is actually seeing someone but he's moving to Florida. I asked the receptionist if she'd help me out and she said definitely and she would call me next week and let me know what's up.

I'm not going to get my hopes up but it's a step in the right direction.

On top of that I'm getting my braces taken off next Friday. My ortho was pretty excited because it's been about 19 months and everything has fallen into place very well.

So now I'll just wait and see what happens.

Thanks for all the input, I'll let you know how things go. :D

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:31 am
by broochie
Great news, Traffic!

Maybe in a few weeks/months, we'll hear that your date with her turned out just like Lynn's friend's story...
Wish you the best ! :-)o