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Question for coffee lovers with power chains!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:03 am
by Nille
I will be going Monday for my 3rd adjustment and will most likely be getting a powerchain on the top. I love my daily cup (or more) of coffee, tea, and cola and worry about staining or discoloration. I don't mind color as long as it's not too flashy and was wondering what colors have worked best for you in terms of keeping their color and not turning brown!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:09 am
by Nille
Thanks KK! :D I would have thought that the silver would have stained! Plus I will admit it is a bit more boring than blue or purple! Maybe I'll start with blue! Thanks again!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:06 pm
by bracesmom
I actually liked the sea-greenish color my blue power chains turned to! My ortho's blue was very bright.

For the more clear look, I like the pearl blue. When they stain they actually appear more clear than blue or take on more of a clear with a hint of purple.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:04 pm
by MariaMetalMouth
They let you have coloured powerchains!?
My ortho just shoved tooth coloured ones on, I think that is all he has!
I smoke and drink coffee a lot, and they are a lovely shade of yellow now :shock:

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:16 pm
by lionfish
I opted for mauve ligs at my last adjustment 2 weeks ago and they've withstood curry, coffee, red wine and all the other staining foods. The colour is much like that in KK's ticker. They are also quite discreet looking if you're concerned about visibility.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:25 pm
by Attagirl2
My last time in power chains the assistant asked humorously if I wanted a colored chain. I said SURE! I got Hot Pink. It did fine with all the coffee I drink - and it's a lot.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:41 pm
by JumpTheDitch
Congrats on the powerchain and the progress Nille!

I've had powerchains (on the top only) for the last six months (I think I got my first one @ my third adjustment also) with no real staining issues. I'm a bit of a coffee fiend I'm afraid (usually 4-6 cups a day :oops:. My boyfriend and I are sure it's the reason we got together!).

Unfortunately I've only had silver powerchains on the top. My ortho says for some reason he seems to see a tiny bit more movement with the grey/silver rather than the colours. When I asked for a coloured powerchain to go with my coloured bottom ligs he said if I really wanted a colour he'd put one on but only if it was more important to me than an extra mm of movement. Obviously I chose the optimal movement option. I realise this sounds very odd ( I think so too :shock:) and it may spark some dissention from other orthos/metal mouthers but I trust my ortho so I'm letting it go. If I really wanted the coloured powerchain I could insist on it but I figure he's the expert so I'm following his direction.

As for stain-resistant colours, I agree with KK, purple is my favourite so far. Absoloutely no staining plus it's a fun colour. Currently I have black ligs, which don't stain either but I'm finding rather boring. Blue is another good one, but I wasn't keen on the staining from the coffee. Like the others have said, it does stain to a niceish sea green, but the fact that it does change colour disconcerts me a little :shock:.

Good luck! :thumbsup:

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:36 am
by bckydgardnr
I personally like the silver. I have wire ties on my ceramics so even with the tooth or clear colored you still see the metal from the wire ties. I have been with silver for about 6 months and doubt if I will switch back to clear.
