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Did braces cause my Long Face Syndrome ?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:20 pm
by bunsen
I am a 30 year old guy and I've had braces on for about 33 months now.

They were originally intended to repair a deep-bite (lower teeth masked by upper teeth) and an overjet/bite (about 1cm). Although i had a pointed chin which protruted from the jaw-line.

Since, I've had them, many friends have commented things such as: "your face has become so thin" or "long" or "sharp".

As a man, this wasn't quite the "rugged" aesthetic i was hoping for. :)

10 weeks ago, i had mandible advancement surgery (to close the overbite). I had severe swelling for about 2 weeks.

Ironically, at the 4 week stage, the swelling had filled out the "narrow face" and it looked Great!!!

... but a few weeks later, most swelling subsided and it was back to "Long Face Syndrome". Now, the jaw angle is somewhat obtuse and very "un-masculine". And a numb lower-lip gives me this unusual grumpy appearance.

Currently, the only teeth which seem to touch together [top and bottom] are the K-9's and the teeth in front of the K-9's (teeth 2 and 3). The front teeth and molars do not touch without a bit of struggle.

SO.... is it possible to PUSH the front maxilla teeth upwards... back into the maxilla gum, to reduce the length of the face, letting the molars come together, and also rendering the mandible angle less obtuse?

or any other thoughts?



Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:09 am
by bunsen
Yup, i've tried discussing this with my orthodontist. But the clinic has changed my orthodontist 3 times now, and she thought i was crazy until i showed her my "Before braces" picture, and she said "Is that really you?"

Nevertheless, she said her priority was to fix the occlusion. But, my vanity is telling me:
"what's the point in having an improved bite if you look like a horse?"

There is the possibility of orthoganic surgery - but i've already had that and don't want to endure that liquid diet and mouth wired shut scenario again.

So.... a weeee bit miffed about this braces thing... or just a little unfortunate.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:06 am
by Wired1
Hi Bunsen,

I'm somewhat in the same boat, having had maxillary expansion surgery, and now I only have about four teeth that touch (after a year, I'm still waiting to chew). I too have a pointed chin and now a long, thin face (course, I lost alot of weight not eating). And I had a 100% deep bite.

The answer I've heard to your technical question is yes, an ortho can shorten teeth by pushing them in. Whether or not it's indicated in your case is another thing.

Since your jaws do not mesh yet, you are unnaturally elongating your face. It only takes a 1/4" to take some of the long-ness out of your look. Maybe if your ortho has modelling software, they can project the finished look. The other thing my surgeon mentioned was that once the braces were done, he would like to relook at my chin and potentially shave down the bone a bit to soften it's appearance. Might be something you want to look at too, but to strengthen the look (squared off?).

You didn't say whether you've lost weight, but if you have, the face takes a huge hit. I've lost the little "apples" in my cheeks... makes a more "ripped" look, but being a 49 year old female, I'd like a bit more softness.

It would be nice if you could post pictures of before and after for us to see. Sometimes it's just the change that's unnerving; we get so used to seeing ourselves in the mirror that this type of change unsettles our minds. When friends make exclamations like " your face is so thin!", we buy into it, assign it as a negative and then fixate. Ever think this might be good? People could be a bit jealous? A bit startled?

Definitely open up the conversation with the ortho, but maybe you need the input of people who have never seen you to give you feedback.

I'm a work in progress and don't see the dust settling for quite some time!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:07 am
by battleangel232232
thats interesting.. my orth never told me that we will get a longer face after our treatment... dose anyknow any more info about this??? how dose this happen???

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:14 am
by Rickysa
Hi Bunsen,

The correction of a deepbite via mandibular advancement will often increase the patient's "lower face height" as the mandible comes down and forward during surgery. This will sometimes create a posterior open bite, where the teeth in the back will not touch until the post-operative orthodontics phase where elastics can be worn to bring the teeth into contact.

There may well be options if you are not satisfied with the aesthetic outcome of your treatment, which may include a surgical procedure to your chin (genioplasty) to lift it up, or maybe implants....

I would recommend discussing your concerns with your doc again as to possible options.

Dr. S

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:32 am
by Kat
Ok bunsen I say post a pic and let (us) the ladies here be the judge on our babe meters.
This is a requirement.
Ok, lets see one.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:56 pm
by pippy
Hi Bunsen, sorry things aren't workng out how you would like....had to laugh though to see another person refer to the horse head look, I thought it was just me. I used to have a little roundy face and craved cheekbones, now after only 4 months with braces the entire shape of my face has changed and become longer and more angular (not due to any weight loss either) - so now the teeth are straighter but the whole face is less 'pretty' (not claiming that I was ever pretty but it was definitely a softer more feminine look). Am currently hoping that it is mostly a case of my wonly bite and that when thats all fixed up and all my teeth finally get to meet each other again, that the horse will abate.

Good luck with getting yours sorted out :wink: