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I’m sad and I’m having a whinge

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:16 pm
by Willz
I'm grumpy! I just had a visit with my ortho and he did a heap of stuff without telling me and now my mouth is killing me. They put a stronger wire on the top, but there are hooks in it which are sticking into my lips. The hooks aren't doing anything so I have no idea why they are there. He also cut my lip while I was in there and he goes "oops." He also changed my ligs from clear to white which I didn't know until I got out and looked in the rear-view mirror in the car and they look silly. I just called them to say I wasn't happy and I was a big inconvenience for them to do anything about it.

Feeling very sick of it all right now.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:23 pm
by lionfish
Hey willz, sorry to hear about the lack of communication stuff. I get told/asked about everything before it happens, so I'm pretty much on top of what's coming up. But that doesn't mean you can't be informed as well, like linda21 says.

The hooks on your upper wire may be there for attaching elastics at a later stage. If they're bothering you, stick some wax on them.

I find with this little caper, however, it helps to be a bit flexible. This applies particularly to unscheduled appointments. Like I went in on Tuesday to get a broken hook fixed, thinking....well, that's all I'm going to get done. 20 minutes later I walked out with the hook repaired, a few more bends in my lower wire, new ligs and two more elastics to wear full time. I rationalised that I was just getting some of this stuff a little earlier than I would otherwise have done, which is a good thing.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:32 am
by Wired1
Willz... it sounds like you need a big bowl of ice cream or a milk shake, then a bath with bubbles, a margarita... then call the ortho, tell them you want new ligs and five packs of wax.

Sometimes my ortho is pretty quiet, so I have to ask all the questions and not rely on him proactively telling me things. Just his personality, a shy guy who is technically oriented. When I ask, he's sometimes surprised that I want to know. I usually have a notebook with questions ready.

If indeed the front office said that you were an inconvenience, you should let the ortho know about his front office people. His biz is dependant on this front line. And you might just want to see how the new color goes -- I get grumpy after trying new hair color, but it settles into my head after a few days. But if you hate them, get 'em changed!

BTW, I've got those hooks too and am always skewered if I don't have wax on them. I'm testing out the Ortho Goop from Lynn on this particular problem and so far I've been pretty happy with the result. Giving it a few more days though. Wax works well, just got to get it under the hook and build it up.

Just think how good it's gonna look when you're done... it'll be worth the hassle!!! Big hugs :heart:

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:20 pm
by broochie
Willz, I think you should tell your ortho, on your next appointment, that you would like him to explain to you what he is doing or intends to do. Many orthos are used to dealing with kids who don't bother asking what is going on and assume adults are the same. If you ask nicely to be informed, I see no reason for him not to do so.

BTW, maybe he put the hooks first, with nothing attached on them, for you to get used to them before putting elastics/springs/powerchains/whatever. Just my two cents.