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my first adjustment

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:23 pm
by windsbud
I am on my way to my first adjustment! I have had brackets on the top and a bite plate on the bottom for 3 weeks now and I cant believe the movement already! Even people I work with have noticed. The first week was a bit rough. The bite plate is the worst part, it was really annoying the underneath of my tongue. I have only removed it 2 or 3 times other than for eating. My job has me on the phone quite a bit and sometimes I need to have a clear conversation with a customer! Well, I will report back later. Just a reminder since I have only posted 2 or 3 times, I am 50 and this is my present to myself this year!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:48 pm
by kay
Hi Windsbud!

What a wonderful present to give to yourself! Your progress has been great and only in 3 weeks! I've had my braces in for nearly 2 days now, hope mine move as quickly as yours do! Really happy for you! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:50 pm
by ghostmyimag3
Yeah let us know how it goes, im kinda not sure on what to expect, i have to go back on December 20th for my first adjustment.
Kay it looks like you and i have the same taste in a ticker ha ha. Funny how that happens. Are you doing ok getting adjusted to your hardware?