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how much did it cost to do your treatment?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:36 am
by suetran
Hi I wanna know how much did it cost to do the treatment for you guys/gals?
also please tell me where and what type of braces and how long. Thankyou so much

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:57 am
by EKline309
I just got some quotes:

$4730 metal
$5215 ceramic upper
$5465 all ceramic

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:22 am
by suetran
EKline309 - is that in canadian or US money ?
also the price that you gave for the metal is that the traditional metels?
or is the self-lig? as in "speed braces"
sorry so much questions...
thankyou for replying!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:03 am
by Lisa65
The average cost of orthodontics in the UK is about £3000 GBP, but mine is costing me over £4000 because of the complexity of my treatment.
I have no idea how long it's all going to take - I didn't like to ask! :lol: I think he said about 2 years but I don't really care.

That price was all inclusive - X rays, molds, appliances and Essix retainers afterwards. The only thing not included was my mini screw implants for which i had to pay the surgeon separately.

That price includes ceramics on the front 6 teeth at the top, but I might go for all metal. I haven't decided yet as my top fronts won't be braced for quite a while yet.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:05 am
by cowlypso
I've gotten two estimates. Both are for full regular metal, include any necessary appliances, with an estimated time of 2.5-3 years. $5400 and $5800. For ceramics on the 6 front uppers, the first quoted $350 extra and the second quoted I think $250 extra (although it might have been $500, I don't remember because I wasn't planning on going there). The first one is giving me 5% off for cash up front, and gives 3% for putting it all on a credit card up front.

I forgot to add... records not included in either of the above prices. Records for the first ortho are $175, for the second are $190, but neither of these includes the cost of the panagram, which I already had done elsewhere (will run $75-100 more)

Also, extractions not included in the price.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:37 am
by ghostmyimag3
4699.00 for my braces (metal)
I have to have two crowns, and i had some fillings repaired also so all in all over a span of 2 yrs (hopefully) the whole process of getting my teeth in shape $7000.00 american dollars!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:32 am
by rmwolf83
My time frame is 19 - 26 months. The cost was $5975.00, however I took advantage of the 6% cash or check "paid in full" discount which brought the total to $5616.50. I was only given one price, and that was for clear uppers (Inspire Ice on the front eight) with metal lowers. My ortho felt that was the best option for me, so I went with it. My records appointment cost $260.00 which was not included in the cost of the braces. I also needed some dental work / oral surgery done prior to getting braced. I needed 3 wisdom teeth extracted which ran me $431.00 our of pocket. Then the pre-orthodontics restoration work that needed to be done cost $526.00 out of pocket. My insurance did cover 80% of most of the work that was done, so that was definitely a big help. All-in-all, I've had to put out $6963.50 so far. I am expected to get 2 implants (2 missing molars) after I'm out of my braces, so Lord only knows how much that is going to cost....I've heard that they're not cheap!

Sorry, that's probably way too much info, but I just thought I'd share!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I need like 5 or 6 crowns too after the braces are off! Fun, fun....I blame my parents for not encouraging good oral hygiene during my childhood. My teeth were restored to the point where I could make it for the next two years before needing the crowns, that's where the $526 came in for restorative work.


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:39 am
by lillibut
All in all 20 months costing £3925. Eek! Hopefully money well spent!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:43 am
by totoro928
I have ceramic uppers and lowers, treatment time is 2 years (hopefully!), and total cost is $6,100 usd.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:43 am
by iBorg
Mine is $6200 with ceramics included on the tops. The ceramics were an extra $300 per arch. This price is all inclusive including records, x-rays and appliainces. Treatment was originally estimated at 16-24 months but I was warned yesterday (after my first offiical appointment) that 24 months is the shortest realistic time frame. I do have TMJ issues and am a severe grinder. I've already (in six weeks) damaged a bite plate enough where it had to be built up. My bite is pretty bad.


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:13 am
by florencegal
Initial consultation and return visit to discuss treatment including all impressions and xrays etc: £120.
Four extractions covered by Denplan insurance at £15 a month.
Invu ceramic tops and traditional metal bottoms: £3100.
The vague timescale of 18 months has been mentioned - but I just got wired today so I'm not even contemplating thinking about the end for now!
Possible bonding of top lateral incisor at the end of treatment as he's a little dude and needs beefing up to grown-up size: I dread to think! (and rather wouldn't right now :lol:)


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:18 am
by susieq182
My braces are going to cost me 4189.00 USD that includes "everything" which is my records, 3 yrs treatment and 2yrs retainer care or 3 sets of retainers. But i get charged $35 for no-shows and if i have excessive emergency appiontments they will start charging for those. I have a no-interest payment plan over the treatyment time. The cost would have been the same no matter which brakets i picked, but my ortho recomeneded full metal because some of my teeth were rotated and need lots of torque.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:53 am
by Keith
My cost was $3800. estimated treatment was 18 months. Ceramic braces, no extractions or appliances.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:05 pm
by EKline309
suetran wrote:EKline309 - is that in canadian or US money ?
also the price that you gave for the metal is that the traditional metels?
or is the self-lig? as in "speed braces"
sorry so much questions...
thankyou for replying!
Mine was in USD and for trad. metals, I'll be getting a quote next week for some metal self-ligs, and am looking for an ortho that carries those 3M ceramic self-ligs.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:15 pm
by Tin Indian
$5000 all inclusive: not including the cost of having 16 crowns of either gold and ceramic and 2 root canals and 4 wisdom teeth extracted( not for braces though)
Ceramic up top
Metal on bottoms
18-20 months :D