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Gum is over growing?

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:38 am
by Luis818
hello could anybody tell me if its normal for my gum to be growing on top of one of upper molars. the gum is actully toughing my bracket it looks like my gum is swollen. :?:

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:02 am
by brandee987
My gums are really causing me trouble also. They are very swollen where my gaps have closed. On my right lateral incisor the gum is touching my bracket. My ortho recommended that I see a perio about lasering some gum tissue off in the places where the gums have sorta piled up. I have done the salt water rinses, I floss, i brush, try to massage it and nothing is making my gums look less puffy. I go on Dec 5th to talk to the perio I hope there is something that they can do. GL to you also! Talk to your ortho and see what he/she thinks.