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Records and spacers are done...

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:05 pm
by *boom!*
I just had my records appt. last Thursday and got my spacers in. The day before Thanksgiving I get the braces (although I think she said the top or the bottoms will be done first?). I have to have four extractions. I would go get it all done right now if I could. I'm not a patient patient. :D I just want to get started so that I can go on with life without thinking about it all, you know?

Anyhow...just thought I'd pop in and post.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:26 pm
by *boom!*
Thanks, kiwi!

I will try to be patient. It's not always easy. I have multiple sclerosis, too, and have been a bit more symptomatic the last few days and I just feel like having everything said and done would help with the stress and anticipation that I hope are contributing to my other symptoms right now.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:11 am
by onny
Congratz on getting braced soon. Have you asked for alternates of 4 extractions? I hope its the last way out, because there are sometimes better ways which just take slightly more time, saving u 4 total teeth and mouth width!

Kiwi btw: Sometimes only one arch is done for time reason, when the ortho office has more appointments to give out to patients than they really have time. That was the standard explanation at my sisters treatment.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:55 pm
by *boom!*
I'm sorry I missed all the well wishes. Thanks so much!

I have a question, though. I was told the spacers would hurt for 3-4 days and they didn't hurt at all for the first few days but now ache pretty heavy when chewing and have for a few days (it's day 8 in them now). Is that pretty normal?