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Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:05 pm
by thisismethen
I am about 2 and 1/2 months in...I just got a spring 2 weeks ago to make room for the hiding tooth to be able to be attached to the archwire. I have read springs have done fast movement while others say they have had them on for months. I haven't seen much movement. Just long do you guys think based on my severity?

Pic of the crowding before the spring. ... G00063.jpg

Now with the spring. ... G00067.jpg

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:46 pm
by Mmmmuuaa

I had a spring put on right away when I got braced and there has been noticable movement and I've only had my braces on around a month and a half.
Brace Day

Just over a month later. Notice how she added something to the spring.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:18 pm
by TimmyB80X

I had a pretty similar situation with the same tooth (but it was on the other side) and it took about six months to create the necessary space. I wore an expander for over a year (beginning two months before I got braced) and continued even past having the spring removed and the deviant tooth put in its proper place. I think my ortho went a little overboard with that (expander) but at least I can be sure its stable!

After the tooth was tied into the archwired, I was in moderate pain for a few days, but amazingly it was in position in under a week! For the pain it was worth it! You'll love running your tongue along the back of your upper teeth and not finding that one hangin in the back. I'll try and post some pictures soon...


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:30 pm
by newmetal
Ahh, i just posted a post concerning this. Im asking the same question so this post was really helpful, thanks people.


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:29 pm
by pippy
I had springs top and bottom for the same problem - had them on for about 4 months before the they springs were removed and teeth attached to the archwire. After a further three weeks the teeth were aligned. Its very excitign and doesn't take nearly as long as you think it will - I was hoping to be rid of the springs by Christmas, let alone have the teeth aligned!!! I think you'll be thrilled with the result - the difference it makes is just amazing!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:49 pm
by *boom!*
Wow, the first picture you posted looks exactly like my tooth except mine is on the other side! I get my braces on Wednesday so I haven't started yet but now I know what I'm getting into. I didn't know about the spring. I guess I never gave much thought to how they were actually going to get that tooth back where it belongs.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:02 pm
by Dovechild20
I have a spring! :)

Ive only been braced for 2 months, so there's not enough room yet, but I can see that my spring has gotten longer since Ive had it on! I cant wait until it has enough room to put a brakcet on, thas gonna hurt and rock at the same time, lol.