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Wayward tooth...

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:21 pm
by newmetal
Elo. I currently have a spring on my brace to make space for a wayward tooth. Im just curious to find out from those who have had this wire, how long did you have the wire before the ortho attatched the wayward tooth to the wire or attempted to bring in back up to allignment?

Many Thanks


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:33 pm
by pippy
Hi newmetal, I've just answered this on Methens query (that will teach me to read the posts in the right order!!!) - depends how close together the teeth are that need to be moved apart but anywhere between 3 and 6 months could be expected. And it is such a JOY when the spring gets taken off - I hated those little suckers coz my top lip kept getting stuck up on it when I smiled or talked - not a good look

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:59 pm
by Iceolated

I had my upper braces on and a compression spring between my first bicuspid and first molar for almost six months before they could wire my second bicuspid (It sat inside my upper arch).

How long the spring is required depends entirely on two things; 1. How much space is requried (more space takes more time) and 2. How fast/easily your teeth respond to the spring.

My teeth had to move about a 1/4 inch further apart and didn't move very fast so I had a spring for almost six months.

The plus side is that once that tooth was wired (Oct 24th) It moved into position in about 2 days and now for the first time in my 31 years I have a 'proper' upper arch.


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:27 pm
by Kodius Champion
I've had a spring on my upper molars since late August, trying to make way for a wayward tooth. I was hoping it would get hooked up after 6 weeks, but alas! It was decided they needed still more space, so I got another, stronger spring.

I currently have another spring on the bottom as well, making way for an incisor which started out somewhat behind the others.

My next adjustment is this coming Wednesday. Will those wayward teeth get hooked up? Will even stronger springs be needed? Stay tuned for another exciting episode of Wonky Teeth Theatre!! :P

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:49 pm
by Higgy
I started out with a spring on my lower left front tooth and the two teeth to the right of that...that was 2 months ago...and my teeth moved enough for my wayward one to be bracketed...but now I have metal lig there and a powerchain...said I will probably get another spring once this tooth has rotated enough to be brought into correct alignment.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:22 am
by sjsarre
I had springs for three months or there abouts and my wayward teeth were pulled into position during the fourth month!


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:15 am
by nvcarissa
I had the spring between my lower incisors from Aug 18, 2005 until early December 2005 (3 1/2 months). Though they were able to attach the archwire to it, this particular incisor was quite stubborn, needed to be rotated quite a bit, and has only in the past few months actually lined up with the rest of my incisors. Very, very stubborn!!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:19 pm
by smile2006
I had a spring pushing to lower teeth apart to make room for a rotated tooth. I had the spring for 3 months. For two visits the ortho didn't remove the spring (or wire) he just compressed the spring and added a spacer to keep it "springy" as the two teeth spread to make room for the rotated one. Interesting how much that spring hurt!

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:15 pm
by acd
I've had a spring since day one and the tooth has been tied to the wire but the bracket has fallen off twice in two weeks. Today they replaced it with a metal band--that one won't fall off. Moving this tooth forward is the main reason why I got braces so I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:31 pm
by PrincessMelody
I've got a spring in my near future since my second molar currently resides in the roof of my mouth. I already know much pain will be involved with this. Not only does room need to be made for it, but it is also sideways. Sooo it will need to be turned and pulled in with the rest of my teeth. But I am really looked forward to getting that retched tooth out of the roof of my mouth. It's been there since I was 14. Big chunks of food, particularly meat always get stuck between it and my other molars. Plus my tongue doesnt sit right in my mouth which means I bite it all the time. Hope you don't have your spring on for much longer :D

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:45 pm
by Gennel
My daughter had that spring put on each side for the same reason. The first one took 4-6 weeks to make enough space to bring the wayword tooth forward. The next spring that was put took abou 8 weeks because there was very little space for her teeth to move.


Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:37 am
by katmc_tx
It took about 6 to 7 months with a powerchain and some slenderizing of near by teeth to make room before that pesky tooth was finally put on the archwire. :-+ It was very frustrating for me because i'm a very inpatient person. But it was soooo crazy when it was finally in line with the rest of my bottoms. Good luck to you and hope it goes fast and well!! BTW my spring didnt hurt or bother my lip at all, guess that depends on where it is and the person.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:21 am
by Kodius Champion
I've had a spring on my upper molars since late August ... I currently have another spring on the bottom as well...
My springs are gone as of this morning! Both my molar and my front incisor are now hooked up.
All right, now let's see some movement! :P